Each pez created may have a trick that they have been taught, but only trained or bred pez may have these tricks. Wild pez may not have tricks until they have been trained.

Generally the more intelligent a particular pez, the more likely of gaining a trick. Each pez type will explain the chance of that pez having a trick.

Once decided a trick is possible, roll on the table below to determine which trick is chosen, some pez may have more than one chance at a trick so roll once for each trick. If two of the same tricks are rolled for, either chose a different twist to the one already chosen or re-roll. If a roll results in a bad habit then roll or pick from the Bad Habit Table as appropriate. If a trait is rolled for, then roll or pick (as appropriate) on the Trait Table. Re-roll Twice on this table means roll twice and take both results, remembering the options for getting the same roll result.




1-8 Whistle Call
9-14 Waits
15-20 Plays Dead
21-26 Counts
27-33 Charge
34-36 Dance
37-40 Hind-Leg Walk
41-44 Pick-Up Rope
45-47 Danger Warning
48-51 Noise Hard
52-54 Walk Backwards
55-62 Jump Hurdle
63-69 Jump Gap
70-72 Climb Stairs
73-77 Fire Brave
78-80 Sign Language
81-83 Multi-Lingual
84-86 Pick a Bad Habit
87-89 Roll on Bad Habit Table
90-93 Pick Trait
94-95 Roll on Trait Table
96-97 Re-roll twice on Tricks
98-99 Pick one from Tricks
100 Pick two from Tricks


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