Often bred for royalty or the wealthy,the riding pez
is bred for grace, a gentle riding experience, and for
non-strenuous activities such as town use and parades.
They have all the characteristics of normal pez but
have been
specially bred to be ridden and carry very light loads. Suitable for
travel use on-road for short journey, or across soft country in a
leisure activitiy. Typical in form and looks to most pez they are also
typical in height and
temperament, although somewhat more acceptable of rider commands.
Generally bred for uniform colour and markings. Require a lot of care
and attention.
ABV: 20
DBV: 0
Intelligence: 1D20 +4 (10)
Dexterity: 1D20 +70 (80)
Strength: 1D30 +110 (120)
Endurance: 1D30 + 105 (115)
Height: 14-16 hands (15 hands)
Weight: 800-1,000 lbs. (14 hands = 800 lbs., 15 hands = 950 lbs. 16
hands = 1,100 lbs.)
Carry Capacity: 15% of weight in lbs. + 1 lb. per point of STR over 120 max
Hard Pull Weight [rough ground, no wheels]: Carry Capacity x 1.5 max
Easy Pull Weight [paved road, wheeled load]: Carry Capacity x 1D4 max
Colour: All varieties (uniform)
Markings: All varieties (uniform)
For each point of INT over 6 roll 1D100: 1-75 = Nothing; 76-93 = Trait; 94-96 = Bad Habit; 97-100 = Trick.