Occasionally found in wild herds throughout the Lands of Law the
hunter pez is the most durable of chase pez used by many cavalry units
and hunting parties.
They have all the characteristics of normal pez but
their lifestyles in the open wilderness means they are good for
reacting to and fleeing predators andthis allows them to be trained to be ridden fast and long ,and carry moderate loads.
Suitable for general use in
local areas. They are fine on any ground and can cover wild land very
well. Typical in general form and looks to most pez although rarely fully uniform, they are also
typical in height although strong in
temperament if not in grace. Good for combat and shock-hard, they
really dislike being used for work, unless its carrying the catch.
ABV: 24
DBV: 2
Intelligence: 1D12-2 + 4 (6)
Dexterity: 2D20 +100 (108)
Strength: 2D10 +100 (110)
Endurance: 1D30 +2D8 +130 (148)
Height: 14-16 hands (14.5 hands)
Weight: 900-1,500 lbs. (14 hands = 900 lbs., 15 hands = 1,200 lbs. 16
hands = 1,500 lbs.)
Carry Capacity: 40% of weight in lbs. + 1 lb. per point of STR over 120 max
Hard Pull Weight [rough ground, no wheels]: Carry Capacity x 1 max
Easy Pull Weight [paved road, wheeled load]: Carry Capacity x 1D4 max
Colour: All varieties (rarely uniform)
Markings: All varieties
For each point of INT over 6 roll 1D100: 1-79 = Nothing; 80-92 = Trait;
93-96 = Bad Habit; 97-100 = Trick. Automatically gains Traits: Sprinter and Sure Footed.