Found occasionally in herds throughout the Lands of
Law the hill rider pez is a small horse that lives its life mostly in
hills and lightly wooded plains. They tend to keep in herds when
fleeing from predators and learn routes to hide among their
environments. They are sometimes referred to as a pony.
They have all the characteristics of normal pez but
have been found to be good to be ridden and carry light loads. Suitable for general
use and for work, they are highly durable. They are happy to ride on
any ground and cover wild land
well. Typical in form and looks to most pez they are also typical in
temperament, although smaller in height and weight, making them
suitable for short people, the young, or ladies.
ABV: 15
DBV: 1
Intelligence: 1D12 + 10 (10)
Dexterity: 1D20 +78 (85)
Strength: 1D30 +115 (125)
Endurance: 1D30 + 120 (125)
Height: 13-15 hands (14 hands)
Weight: 800-1,350 lbs. (13 hands = 800 lbs., 14 hands = 1,100 lbs. 15
hands = 1,350 lbs.)
Carry Capacity: 30% of weight in lbs. + 1 lb. per point of STR over 120 max
Hard Pull Weight [rough ground, no wheels]: Carry Capacity x 2 max
Easy Pull Weight [paved road, wheeled load]: Carry Capacity x 2D4 max
Colour: All varieties, except all white or all black
Markings: All varieties
For each point of INT over 6 roll 1D100: 1-78 = Nothing; 79-93 = Trait;
93-96 = Bad Habit; 97-100 = Trick. Automatically gain the Trait: Adaptable.