Uncommon and specially bred for combat training and carrying of armoured riders.
They have all the characteristics of normal pez but have been specially bred to be ridden and carry heavy loads in combat situations. Suitable for battle conditions or general use by armoured riders. They prefer hardened ground but deal with wildland quite well. Not good for jumping. Typical in form and looks to most pez but large in height and occasionally fierce in temperament, although very acceptable of competent rider commands.
ABV: 30
DBV: 1
Intelligence: 1D12 + 4 (6)
Dexterity: 1D20 +80 (90)
Strength: 1D30 +140 (155)
Endurance: 1D30 + 120 (125)
Height: 16-19 hands (18 hands)
Weight: 2,000-2,800 lbs. (16 hands = 2,000 lbs., 17 hands = 2,250
lbs. 18 hands = 2,500 lbs., 19 hands = 2,800 lbs.)
Carry Capacity: 25% of weight in lbs. + 1 lb. per point of STR over 150 max
Hard Pull Weight [rough ground, no wheels]: Carry Capacity x 1.5 max
Easy Pull Weight [paved road, wheeled load]: Carry Capacity x 1D4+1 max
Colour: All varieties
Markings: All varieties
For each point of INT over 6 roll 1D100: 1-76 = Nothing; 77-91 = Trait;
92-96 = Bad Habit; 97-100 = Trick. Automatically gain the Trick: Charge, but if randomly gained some Bad Habits are ignored: Skittish, Resents Discipline.