Clerics are the channel between mortals and those that reside in deictic lands, which control or influence those who worship them. The term cleric loosely is one who writes or keeps record, this indicates their scholarly side and indeed they are learned people. Cleric is the catch-all term for any rank member of a religion who has been ordained into it, and will be used hence forth as the generalisation for any rank of the religion.
These people are dedicated to their religion, cult, or coven. They see themselves as the mouth of their deities. They learn and teach the tenets that their religion sustains, keeps the premnars (lay members) in order and represents their direct access to many gods and godesses.
Not necessarily Good or Lawful, they do have their own ways and means of carrying out their worship. Some are fanatics, completely focused upon serving their deity the best way they can, others see their deities as friends, to be honoured and respected but not necessarily held in awe.
The chief skill behind any cleric is their ability to use their voice, or other form of communication, to preach or hold audience, the knowledge of their religion's ways and laws, prayers and rituals, and also the skills to deal with undead or the spirit world. Many religions are element-based and those clerics tend to have abilities or skills which mirror this in some way.
Many clerics are Mancers, the ability to use Manc is considerable. Some have this ability and see it as their path to take up the position in the religion to lead others. Some clerics are blessed once they join the religion with Manc from their deities as gifts. Other rituals allow other abilities and results. Unlike the wizards or sorcerers, the cleric does not focus and channel the Manc all around them through their bodies using Power Words or charging their bodies with the natural Manc, these Mancers gain their powers directly because of their deity. The deity gives the cleric this ability to cast Manc, and although they must still learn many Dodecates worth of study to be able to cast it, they do so only with their deities blessing.
Against the spirit world they have their greatest powers. They have the faith and fervour needed to control, repel, summon, or pass over to their final rest, these troubled spirits. few others have any control over them. clerics are often natural healers and tend to study other aspects of lore, usually connected with their deity, their focus and elemental basis, or that which would benefit their people and premnars the best. Usually this is healing, herbalism, writing and the knowledge of the weather or soil. this is a generalisation but is typical of many throughout the Lands Of Law.
The clerics tend to place great importance upon order and structure, both within and without their religion. They often have one main leader and a network or hierarchy of lesser ranks below that, spreading out to cover the range and field of their religion. Usually wearing the simplest of clothing, this is not always the case for the higher ranks in the religion, or in times of ceremony or importance. Pomp and ceremony are also synonymous with religion.
The typical religion has either churches, simple or grand, with places where their premnars may come and worship their deities; temples where the priests and clergy live or reside, often less open to premnars, acting as a holy place or sacred place, somewhere to be revered rather than used; or indeed some religions use perhaps a cavern, or the wilds away from dwellings and people or habitations. These latter relgions tend to be less obvious and perhaps occult religions may be even evil or just secret. Their wilderness may house a special circle or natural feature that has become accepted as their sacred place, dedicated to their deity.
The Galaniŕ have no religions, knowledge that the gods exist is nothing to do with it, indeed one of the Galaniŕ folk will as likely as not believe in any said deity, but can not hold them in reverie any more than they would hold a tree, fire, or any natural thing. Most clergy are from simple stock of the people and begin their learning as this sort of person.
The major Religions of Lawner (in alphabetical order):
Alla-Kal |
Skywatchers |
Tamour-Brun |
Tepeln |
The minor Religions/Cults of Lawner (in alphabetical order):
Annella |
Dythos |
Elthanharner |
Trador |
All clerics, just like most other Mancers, cast spells as frequently as their level allows. The Frequency Of Spellcasting Table shows how many rounds must pass before a cleric who has just cast a spontaneous spell can cast again. This, of course, has no bearing on stored spells or item Manc.
![]() |
1 | 60 | 14 | 14 | |
2 | 56 | 15 | 12 | |
3 | 52 | 16 | 10 | |
4 | 48 | 17 | 9 | |
5 | 44 | 18 | 8 | |
6 | 40 | 19 | 7 | |
7 | 36 | 20 | 6 | |
8 | 32 | 21 | 5 | |
9 | 28 | 22 | 4 | |
10 | 24 | 23 | 3 | |
11 | 20 | 24 | 2 | |
12 | 18 | 25 | 1 | |
13 | 16 | 26+ | 1 |
Each religions has its own Class Table.
Death Penalty: Loss of 3,000 XP
Lawner | Classes | Roleplaying