God of Fire, Master of Blacksmiths and all Heat.
Chaotic Good
Fairly popular religion in the Lands Of Law.
Holy Mountain
High Temple in Acandria
High Priests: Taris Lanordar, Shollon Kamin (Holy Mountain), Brian Smith (Acandria)
Hearth Priests: Shela Diamond (female), Fev Kern, Murl Pringle
Priests: Zorl Peters, Grogol Blackhands (Cairngrom), Peter Cooper, Dain Stoker, Mardinal Lemwell (Female), Tollan Lemwell
Forgeknights of Tamour-Brun: Eldrin Black
"Fire does not burn. It cleanses!" ...Tamour-Brun teaching.
Fire was given to man by Tamour-Brun. Fire destroys everything and is the cleanser of all evil. Every night at dusk and every day at dawn, Tamour-Brun looks through his fire dais and studies the lands.
Tamour-Brun is a diligent deity, often physically punishing or helping his worshippers; and should a cleric of his blaspheme against him, he WILL answer.
Tamour-Brun's evil sons are the Fire Devils. They misused the power of fire and did harm without his permission. Tamour-Brun's daughter is the ore and metals; and if asked with fire, can be asked to become tools and weapons.
Considered by some unfaithful to also be a God of War. This is an injustice. Tamour-Brun likes to combat; indeed enjoys a good fight, but it must be for a righteous reason and will not accept needless bloodshed.
Worshippers of Tamour-Brun tend to be proud, feisty individuals, although there is much honour and respect also. Dedication is paramount to their worship, as Tamour-Brun often makes his feelings for worshippers and especially for those who blaspheme against him felt.
Tamour-Brun is not the usual crusading against undead and Evil, and protecting the spirits in the afterlife religion. Tamour-Brun is more towards protecting the living and keeping the Evil and undead in their place. Tamour-Brun sees Evil as an unfortunate balance to Good, and thus is to be crushed where it can, and restricted by Good. As Chaos is also essential, for from Chaos do not all things come? Ores in the ground are formed out of Chaos into weapons and tools; from Chaos, Manc is crafted and used. And so this also means that from Chaos so too do Evil and Good constantly battle, and it is this confrontation that is important and inevitable. Tamour-Brun disagrees with many other religions in their belief that Evil and undead need be destroyed and removed from existence, as this almost accepts a weakness in their faith. Tamour-Brun worshippers have a greater strength than that, accepting their philosophies and turning all weaknesses into strengths.
"Tamour-Brun then said to those with their faces turned towards him 'Forge Chaos and it will be Good. Let Evil fall with the waste.' ...Thus they formed tools to till the land, cut the meat from creatures, draw water from the earth, heal with hands, heal with words." ...from the Anvil Writings.
Stripped or armoured, Tamour-Brun's body is covered in flames. Bald, but bearded; a man with raised arms, holds in his right hand a hammer from which flames streak across to land in the palm of his left hand. He may also be found sitting on an anvil.
Hammers, anvils, and fire are all symbols dedicated to Tamour-Brun.
"Hammers craft not only our lives, but together, our deaths." ...from The Forging Ways.
No set time. Mostly at evenings, or when times are good. The dead are cremated; burial, is at most seen as a temporary internment.
Temples are usually open all the time, sometimes just with Tenders of The Flame. Worshippers are permitted to worship as they wish, unless an important ceremony is to be preformed, or it is a festival, whereupon they will be expected to join if they can. Services tend towards speeches, prayers, chanting and lots of meditation, rather than singing. Usually services are held with the priest or cleric facing towards the statue of Tamour-Brun along with the rest of the congregation. rarely facing the worshippers, this is mostly a sign of respect to Tamour-Brun, and a show of trust to the worshippers.
The Tamour-Brun teachings are predominately verbal renditions of age-old tales and scriptures. the main Tamour-Brun scriptures comes in the form of the 'Anvil Writings'. This is a holy book made from sheets of an impossibly thin silver-coloured metal that has no like anywhere else on Lawner. It is believed to be a combination of all metals crafted by Tamour-Brun himself. The book tells the history of Tamour-Brun and the 7th Plane of Existence. This is made into more portable, normal scrolls and books called 'The Forging Ways'.
"Gather yea into a crowd; call my name over and over to let me know you need me. Thence shall I come to thee." ...from The Forging Ways.
Lit with roaring fires, well lit with burning torches, or braziers. Usually a huge statue of Tamour-Brun stands where an alter might otherwise be. The Priest of the Temple does not live within it's walls.
"Fires do more than cook, more than give warmth to our bodies. It starts life, ceases death. It creates change, it destroys Evil. Fire must ever burn, for without it there is no darkness, there is only emptiness." ...from The Forging Ways.
Main temple is in Acandria and the largest arch-diocese starts there. It heads up to the East Lake, back down to Fangron, then back to Acandria.
Second largest is from Feldmore up the River Seep, across to Banile on the River Mek and back down again to Feldmore. In the mountains not far from Feldmore to the south-west (20:10) lies Lava Forge, a Tamour-Brun holy mountain. It is here that Tamour-Brun Priests make most of their Manc artefacts.
Another arch-diocese starts from Terter and encompasses all the settlements to the coast.
The Bairn Mountains also hosts a large arch-diocese.
Woodton is the centre for the Landswood arch-diocese.
Dwarfport serves the Stonedwell Mountains.
Quintruth is the starting point for the north Lake Plains area, merely going to Cadagun and back again.
The most remote arch-diocese is across the Great River and is from Flagmore Port to Winen along to Ilt Krodj.
"As my body runs through the ground it warms the soul of the Plane" ...from the Anvil Writings.