Pistols - Shoot With Off-Hand:
Cost: 20 XP
Pistols - Shoot With Two Pistols:
Cost: 40 XP, multiple targets cost an extra 15
XP once this Speciality has been purchased.
Pistols - Fast Draw:
Cost: 30 XP. Must purchase for each pistol
Pistols- Holster Spin:
Cost: 5 XP Must purchase for each different model of pistol.
- Fan Shot:
Cost: 40 XP, multiple targets cost an extra 15
XP once this Speciality has been purchased.
- Maintain Pistol:
Cost: Free once original skill
Rating reaches 80 or costs 10 XP if below 80. Must
take for each pistol model.
- Sure Aim:
Cost: 40 XP
- Expert Pistol Skill:
Cost: For each Acc of +5 costs 10 XP May be
purchased multiple times for an increased ability but never more than once per adventure unless with DM permission.
- Speed Load:
Cost: 25 XP
Must purchase for each pistol model.
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