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Night Eyes:
This thick grease, when applied to the naked eye, grants temporary low-light vision. The grease takes 1 full-round action to apply and lasts for 10 minutes. Torches and other faint light sources provide light normally for a character, but any source of bright light (like bright sunlight or the Daylight Spell) causes the night eyes user to suffer a -1 penalty to attack rolls.

Cost: 25gp Weight: ½ lb. Craft Skill: Alchemy Craft DC: 25

Poison Poison:
This is a kill-or-cure antidote to most things that corrupt the blood. When swallowed, the character must make a Fortitude save (DC 12). If successful, the antidote provides a +5 alchemical bonus on Fortitude saving throws against disease for the next 24 hours. If the save fails, the character takes 2 points of Constitution damage but still gains the beneficial effects. Poison poison acts as a Potion Of Remove Disease against swamp fever. First discovered in the small farming village of Orchard Meadows and a single dose there typically costs 7gp.

Cost: 7gp Weight: - Craft Skill: Alchemy Craft DC: 25

Portable Pyre:
A good undead hunter takes advantage of the absolute stupidity of mindless undead. A portable pyre is essentially a bundle of oil-soaked logs and tindertwigs bound together. When untied and quickly rolled out over an empty 5-foot square, a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity, the tindertwigs immediately ignite the highly flammable kindling. A portable pyre can also be unrolled more carefully so that it does not ignite, an act that takes a full round action that provokes attacks of opportunity. Once laid out in this manner, the roll ignites if exposed to fire.

Creatures that enter the same square as a lit portable pyre suffer 1D6 points of fire damage for each round they remain in the square. A portable pyre burns for 10 minutes, although 10 gallons of water extinguish the flames. It cannot be used again after being unroled. Portable pyres cannot be wielded as weapons and are only effective when laid upon a flat surface, making them particularly useful in small hallways or when placed in the path of turned undead.

Cost: 10gp Weight: 15lbs. Craft Skill: Alchemy Craft DC: 15

Powdered Water:
This fine white powder sparkles faintly. An ounce, mixed with a single drop of water, becomes a gallon of drinkable water. The powder is usually put in a vessel that can contain the full gallon of water before the drop of activating water is added. the vessel is then shaken to agitate the mixture. It takes a full round for the gallon of water to form. The powder must be kept in a water-tight container to remain effective, but it is an easy way to transport large amounts of water over great distances.

Cost: 5sp Weight: - Craft Skill: Alchemy Craft DC: 10

Silver Charm:
A vulnerability charm. Alchemists use silver in charms and draughts as protection against devils and the like. A silver charm can be used to perform a touch attack against a creature vulnerable to silver. This touch deals 1D6 points of damage to the creature and destroys the symbol. In addition, the target must succeed at a DC 14 Will save or be shaken for 1D4 rounds.

Cost: 30gp Weight: 1lb. Craft Skill: Alchemy Craft DC: 20

Silver Draught:
A vulnerability draught. This swirling mixture of silver and  rare minerals offers the protection of a silver charm in a draught. Frequently imbibed by lycanthrope hunters, it also protects against weaker devils. A silver draught provides the imbiber with a +2 alchemical bonus on saves made against the spells and abilities of creatures vulnerable to silver. This effect lasts for 1 hour.

Cost: 75gp Weight: - Craft Skill: Alchemy Craft DC: 25

This concoction breaks down oozes of all types. When used as a throw-to-smash weapon, it does 1D6 points of damage on a successful hit, and 1 point of damage of splash damage. On the round following a direct hit, the ooze must make a Fortitude save (DC 15) or take additional 1D6 damage. Slimebane does not affect creatures not of the ooze type.

Cost: 50gp Weight: 1 lb. Craft Skill: Alchemy Craft DC: 25

Slippery Oil:
This oil rpovides a +5 bonus on Escape Artist checks for up to 1 hour or until removed with an alcohol-based liquid.

Cost: 15gp Weight: ½ lb. Craft Skill: Alchemy Craft DC: 15

Sneezing Powder:
This fine powder can be thrown as a ranged weapon. On a direct hit the target must make a Fortitude save (DC 15) or else suffer a -2 circumstance penalty to all rolls for 1D4 rounds because of sneezing and watery eyes. Creatures immune to gases or poisons are immune to sneezing powder.

Cost: 60gp Weight: - Craft Skill: Alchemy Craft DC: 25

Softshoe Powder:
Rubbing this powder on feet or footware makes moving silently easier. Applying softshoe powder provides a +2 competence bonus to Move Silently checks. Unless all of a creature's feet or footware are treated, there is no benefit from the powder. The effect of the powder lasts for 10 minutes after its application.

Cost: 25gp Weight: 1 lb. Craft Skill: Alchemy Craft DC: 25

When dropped into a container of hot water, this small stone turns the water into nourishing broth of a flavour determined at creation of the soupstone. A soupstone can transform up to 1 gallon before being completely consumed. It has no effect upon water-based creatures like water elementals.

Cost: 30gp Weight: 1 lb. Craft Skill: Alchemy Craft DC: 15

This heavy, grey cloth is woven from special mineral fibres. The fire retardant cloth does not catch fire unless exposed to flame for more than a minute. Thus someone wearing stonecloth would suffer the initial damage from a fire attack, but would not suffer burning damage in later rounds, nor be forced to take an action to extinguish the fire.

Cost: 100gp per 1² ft. Weight: ½ lb. per 1² ft. Craft Skill: Alchemy and Weaving Alchemy Craft DC: 25 Weaving Craft DC: 20

A paladin wears this short, sleeveless tunic over their armour. They usually have their emblem emblazoned with either their family coat-of-arms or the symbol of their temple, deity, or creed. Anyone viewing a paladin's tabard gains a +2 circumstance bonus on any Knowledge (nobility and royalty) or Knowledge (religion) checks to identify the paladin's allegiance or religion. A paladin may also have a mount's tabard for their mount. The bonuses from the paladin's tabard and their mounts do not stack.

Tangle Wire:
Tangle wire, a thin barbed wire coated with a less-adhesive, longer-lasting form of the substance found in tanglefoot bags, is made in strands of up to 10-feet long. The adhesive makes tangle wire hard to transport, but easy to string across a narrow opening and doubly effective against those who encounter it. Tangle wire comes wrapped in a tight bundle, and once unwound, it can not be rewound and stored for later use.

To avoid tangle wire a character must make a successful Spot check (DC 15). those who fail this Spot check are caught by the tangle wire and take 1D2 points of damage per round unless they remain completely immobile, and they can not move out of the 5-foot square containing the wire until they are free of its grip. Anyone caught by a tangle wire can make a Dexterity or Escape Artist check (DC 20) to escape or a Strength check (DC 15) to pull away. A victim with slashing weapons can free themselves as a full-round action. As long as the victim is willing to take the damage from the wire, they can act normally while caught.

Cost: 25gp Weight: 1 lbs. Craft Skill: Alchemy Craft DC: 25

Tanglefoot Bag:
This round leather bag is full of alchemical goo. When thrown at a creature (as a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 10 feet), the bag comes apart and the goo bursts out, entangling the target and quickly becoming tough and resilient upon exposure to the air. An entangled creature takes a -2 penalty on attack rolls and a -4 penalty to Dexterity and must make a DC 15 Reflex save or be glued to the floor, unable to move. Even on a successful save, it can move only at half speed. Huge or larger creatures are unaffected by a tanglefoot bag. A flying creature is not stuck to the floor, but it must make a DC 15 Reflex save or be unable to fly (assuming it uses wings to fly) and falls to the ground. A tanglefoot bag does not function underwater.

A creature that is glued to the floor (or unable to fly) can break free by making a DC 17 Strength check or by dealing 15 points of damage to the goo with a slashing weapon. A creature trying to scrape goo off itself, or another creature assisting, does not need to make an attack roll; hitting the goo is automatic, after which the creature that hit makes a damage roll to see how much of the goo was scraped off. Once free, the creature can move (including flying) at half speed. A character capable of spellcasting who is bound by the goo must make a DC 15 Concentration check to cast a spell. The goo becomes brittle and fragile after 2D4 rounds, cracking apart and losing its effectiveness. An application of Universal Solvent to a stuck creature dissolves the alchemical goo immediately.

Cost: 50gp Weight: 4 lbs. Craft Skill: Alchemy Craft DC: 25

Thieves' Tools (illustration by Lars Grant-West from the PHB 3.5 Page 127)Thieves' Tools:
This kit contains the tools you need to use the Disable device and Open Lock skills. The kit includes one or more skeleton keys, long metal picks and pries, a long-nosed clamp, a small hand saw, and a small wedge and hammer. Without these tools, you must improvise tools, and you take a -2 circumstance penalty on Disable Device and open Lock checks.

Cost: 30gp Weight: 1 lb.

Traveller's Solace:
This fiery, unpleasant liquid allows the user to temporarily circumvent the effects of fatigue and exhaustion for a short time. Fatigued or exhausted characters that drink a vial of traveller's solace can run and charge normally. Fatigued characters under the effects of traveller's solace suffer no penalties to their Strength or Dexterity, while exhausted characters suffer a -4 penalty to both ability scores. The beneficial effects of traveller's solace last for 2D4 hours, but the after effects last much longer. Exhausted characters who use traveller's solace to lessen the effects of exhaustion require a full 8 hours of rest before they recover to fatigued. Fatigued characters who have used traveller's solace require at least 8 hours of bed rest before they recover to fully rested. A vial of traveller's solace has no effect if another has been taken within 8 hours.

Cost: 50gp Weight: - Craft Skill: Alchemy Craft DC: 25

Truth Wine:
This sweet white wine of elven origin loosens the tongue more effectively than most other alcohol-based drinks. In addition to suffering the wine's normal alcohol intoxicating effects, those who drink truth wine must make a Will save (DC 15) to tell a lie. The wine's effects are short-lived, lasting only 10 rounds -1 round per point of the drinker's Constitution bonus. (For example, a character with a +2 CON bonus would suffer truth wine's effects for 8 rounds.) Creatures must drink at least 1 glass (8 oz.) of truth wine to suffer its truth-telling effects. Elves are unaffected by truth wine.

Cost: 75gp Weight: 1 lb. per 1 pint Craft Skill: Alchemy Craft DC: 30

Unholy Candle:
The wax of this alchemically treated candle is infused with spiritual incenses and soaked in unholy water for three nights before it is used to create a candle. Unholy candles cast a flickering, deep purple glow. It radiates light in a 5 foot radius and burns for 1 hour. Clerics standing within the light of an unholy candle gain a +2 bonus on their turning check results when commanding or rebuking undead. A cleric can only be aided by one burning candle at a time.

Cost: 75gp Weight: 4 ounces (Or appropriate cost and weight to the religion in form and mass of the book). Knowledge Skill: Religion Craft Skill: Alchemy Craft DC: 25

Unholy Charm:
A vulnerability charm. Unholy charms are often fashioned as unholy symbols, or sometimes merely as a disturbing images, such as a demonic skull. The ingredients for this item must be blessed by a divine spellcaster of the appropriate alignment to function. This involves a simple prayer or ritual, not an actual spell. In addition to serving as a divine focus, an unholy charm can be used to perform a touch attack against a creature vulnerable to evil. This touch deals 1D6 points of damage to the creature and destroys the symbol. In addition, the target must succeed at a DC 14 Will save or be shaken for 1D4 rounds.

Cost: 30gp Weight: 1lb. Knowledge Skill: Religion Craft Skill: Alchemy Craft DC: 20

Unholy Draught:
A vulnerability draught. A mixture of rare herbs and specially prepared holy water, the holy draught serves as a staple for those who battle the undead. It tastes extremely bitter. The ingredients for this item must be blessed by a divine spellcaster of the appropriate alignment to function. This involves a simple prayer, not an actual spell. An unholy draught provides the imbiber with a +2 alchemical bonus on saves made against the spells and abilities of creatures vulnerable to evil. This effect lasts for 1 hour.

Cost: 50gp Weight: - Knowledge Skill: Religion Craft Skill: Alchemy Craft DC: 25

Vapours Of Sleep:
When applied to a cloth and held over the nose and mouth (or other breathing orifices), this liquid forces the target to make a Fortitude save (DC 13) or sleep as if affected by the Sleep spell for 1D4 hours. The attacker must successfully grapple the target in order to use the vapours on the target. A vial of the liquid can also be thrown as a throw-to-smash weapon. It does not cause victims to fall asleep, but they must make a Fortitude save (DC 13) on a direct hit or suffer a -2 circumstance penalty on all actions due to drowsiness and disorientation for 1D4 rounds.

Cost: 50gp Weight: - Craft Skill: Alchemy Craft DC: 25

A vulnerability charm. Also called belladonna, this toxic plant allegedly repels lycanthropes. In addition to its standard effect in curing an afflicted lycanthrope, wolfsbane can also repel a lycanthrope if used as a charm weapon. Striking a lycanthrope with the plant requires a reasonably fresh sprig (picked within the last week), and a successful touch attack. The creature must then make a DC 12 Will save or flee for 1D4 rounds, as if affected by the spell Cause Fear. A successful use of the plant destroys it.

Wolfsbane does not, unlike other vulnerability charms, require any alchemical treatments, but the plant must be reasonably fresh to function (picked within the last 7 days). A DC 15 Knowledge (nature) or Survival check is required to find and harvest wolfsbane in the wilderness correctly.

Cost: 5gp Weight: NA


Last Updated: 2nd September 2006

Based on entries in Player's Handbook 3.5, Dragon Magazine #331 and Dungeon Magazine #328