grey-blue skinned and thin with no obvious nose, these humanoids from Duro
in the Duros star system, have been traveling the space lanes for
millennia. One of the
earliest space-faring species, they have gained themselves the
reputation of being excellent navigators and pilots.
Duros are generally calm and peaceful individuals, making them accessible and easily integrated into different cultures across the galaxy. They are rumoured, however, to be excellent entertainers in storytelling and history with a charismatic manner.
Duros quickly established space stations and docking ports and began exploring the galaxy after they developed hyperdrive engines. One of many planets they colonised was Neimoidia. Over the millennia these colonists have since become a distinct offshoot of the Duros race, the Neimodians.
Before the founding of the Republic, they met and traded with the Corellians and the trade routes and hypserspace lanes then set up are some of the oldest.
New routes are often first explored by the somewhat reckless Duros explorers. Duros are encountered piloting everything from small freighters to the giant cargo vessels, as well as serving other shipboard functions on private ships.
Typical names include: