The descriptions of war machines specifically state if they can launch missiles. It will also denote the type of missile as short-range, medium-range, long-range, or mini-missiles, and some can fire two or more different types of missiles. Under each of the above range categories is a selection of specific varieties of warheads, such as high-explosive, fragmrntation, plasma, etc..
Direct Hits are when the missile impacts directly on the target character (or their robot, power armour, vehicle, etc.). A direct hit does full damage. A volly of missiles inflicts full damage for each missile in the volley.
Blasr Radius Or Near Misses. Getting caught in a blast radius does half damage. Your companion standing 10 feet (3m) away is hit by a high explosive missile with a 30 foot (9.1m) blast radius. Your companion takes full damage from the direct hit, but you are caught in the blast radius. You take half the M.D.. This damage can be reduced by half again if you make a successful Save Vs Roll With Impact.
Roll With Impact To Reduce Damage. Whenever a character is struck by an explosive force or impact (ram attack, fall, etc.), they can attempt to Roll With Impact to minimise the damage to half. The target number required on 1D20 is the attacker's roll to Strike, either matching it or getting higher than the attacker. If a Strike number is not available (say from a booby trap, mine, or automated system), a 14 or higher must be made to successfully Roll With Impact. A successful roll, whether from a direct hit or if within the blast radius, means the character suffers half the normal damage. A failed roll means full damage (whatever that may be).
Note: All missiles always strike the main body.