All players must select an alignment for their character. This defines a character's attitudes and provides a moral center. There are three basic alignment categories: Good, Selfish, and Evil.

Alignments play a vital role in developing a character's personality and are a key element of roleplaying. Everyone has their own moral compass to guide them. Whether it is called a code of ethics or morals, justice and honour, religious virtues, alignments define what the character sees as right and wrong, good and evil, acceptable behaviour and what is not acceptable. It is this sense of right and wrong that helps build moral fiber, mold one's behaviour, and dictate how a character treats others and how they should react when faced with a moral choice.

Alignments are a guideline for each character, indicating how that character is likely to react to any given situation. Alignments can help decide difficult decisions, following the character's emotional gut feeling.

Characters that are played, or slip, from their alignment into acts or decisions that do not represent that alignment can be, by the DM or at the player's request' moved to another alignment. People make mistakes all the time, and the DM should consider this in an 'out of alignment' act or decision, not merely change a character's alignment for the wrong act or decision.

No Neutral Alignments
Rifts has no neutral alignments. With the reasoning that one could not make a decision against any moral-based situation. Whether this is accurate or not matters not, this system has no neutral alignment.

Good Alignments
Good aligned characters: Principled and Scrupulous, are the straight-up hero of the world. Placing a high value on life and liberty, as well as law and order. Just because a character is of a good alignment, however, does not mean they are a saint or without bad habits. Good characters can be irritating, obnoxious, or arrogant, even prejudiced and full of annoying quirks. Likewise, they may find themselves stepping outside the boundaries of the law in their quest to combat evil and injustice, but when push comes to shove, these characters can always be trusted to do the right thing, especially in a life and death situation.

Principled characters are upright 'boy scout' or do-gooder' types who puts others before themselves. This is the knight in shinning armour, with the highest regard for the lives and well-bing of others, freedom, honour, and justice. Principled characters will always attempt to work with and within the law, and have a high regard (and trust of) authority, as well as for life and freedom. They are usually compassionate, merciful, cooperative and sincere.

A Principled character will:-
Scrupulous characters value life and freedom above all else and despise those who would deprive others of them. This type of hero is typically portrayed as the cop who plays by their own rules, forced to work beyond the law for justice (or retribution) and the greater good of the people. They are not vicious or vindictive characters, but are individuals driven by their sense of justice to right a wrong or take a (bloody) stand. These characters will always attempt to work with or within the law whenever possible.

A Scrupulous character will:-
Selfish Alignments
Selfish aligned characters: Unprincipled and Anarchist, are not necessarily evil, but they always have their own interests at heart and their opinions in mind above all others. These are the mercenaries, rogues, vigilantes, and anti-heroes of the world.

Unprincipled characters are tend to be selfish, greedy, and holds their personal freedom and welfare above almost everything else. They dislike confining laws and self-discipline and distrusts authority. They view the law and government as well-intentioned, but clumsy and ineffective. Keeping their best interests in mind, the character will always look out for themselves.

This character will take 'dirty money' and items, with the concept that it will help in their crusade against evil. they may also destroy the property of known criminals. They will not deal in illegal wares, drugs, or take money from the innocent or good people. The Unprincipled character may associate with both good and evil characters, and often has paid informants, spies and stoolies.

This is the noble scoundrel, the guy who is always looking for the best deal, is continually tempted to lie and cheat, and hates themselves for being loyal, helping others and ultimately doing the 'right thing'.

An Unprincipled character will:-
Anarchist characters are the type to indulge in everything. They are the insurgent, con-artist, gambler, and uncommitted freebooter who adventures because they enjoy the thrill, fame and fortune it brings, rather than for a cause (like defending humanity). This character will at least consider doing anything if the price is right or the challenge is alluring enough.

Laws and rules infringe on personal freedom and were meant to be broken. they will not hesitate at using strong-arm techniques, breaking and entering, theft, harassment, destruction of private property, and so on. This can also include acting as judge, jury, and executioner. These characters are usually the daring anti-heroes who feel the end justifies the means. The Anarchist-aligned character is always looking for the best deal and gratification. They will work with good, selfish, and evil characters to attain their goals. The Anarchist is continually teetering between good and evil, rebelling against and bending the law to fit their needs. Mercenaries and thieves often fall into this category.

An Anarchist character will:-
Evil Alignments
Evil aligned characters: Aberrant and Diabolic, are not necessarily bent on universal genocide or dominating all other living creatures. Nor are all evil characters sadistic, cruel, ugly, or untrustworthy. Many, evil characters may actually seem kind or likable.

Evil alignments are a step beyond the self-gratification of Selfish alignments. Evil characters are ruthless individuals who are willing to say or do anything to achieve their goals. Most commonly, evil characters have goals that either entail making people suffer or cause suffering as a side effect (a side effect they knowingly and willingly disregards). Human life has little meaning to them, and friends tend to be (but not always) people to use and discard when they are no longer of value. Evil-aligned characters do not automatically slay any good-aligned person because of different ethics and philosophies. All the better to sue good to achieve their goals, for the end always justifies the means.

The cliché that there is no honour among thieves is false when dealing with the Aberrant character. This is an individual who is driven to attain their goals through force, power, and intimidation. Yet the Aberrant character stands apart from the norm with their own personal (and twisted) code of ethics. they expect loyalty from their minions, punishing disloyalty and treachery with a swift, merciful death or banishment. An Aberrant character will always keep their word of honour and uphold any bargains. They will define their terms and live by them, whether anyone else likes them or not.

If an anti-hero, they will completely disregard the law and deal out justice as they deem fit. they will never be cruel or vindictive and will always be absolutely positive that the person is guilty before dealing out their brand of justice. However, once they have condemned someone, they will see to it that they are destroyed.

Whether a villain or a corrupt or extreme anti-hero, the Aberrant character looks upon people without honour or a sense of loyalty as worthless and disgusting lowlifes.

Do not think of the Aberrant character as a misguided good-guy. they will break all laws with impunity, harass victims, destroy property, assault, blackmail, torture and murder. Only their methods and degree of violence may vary.

An Aberrant character will:-
Diabolic alignments are where most megalomaniacs, psychopaths, and violent and dispicable characters fall into. This is the cruel, brutal killer who trusts no one and has no value for life other than their own. A Diabolic character will crush anyone whogets in their way. The lowlife will lie, cheat, con, abuse, and kill anyone less powerful than they are. Aberrant characters find these dishonourable people more revolting than a good-aligned character.

A Diabolic character will:-