An average Pomerainian is impressive to behold, male adults are often 6 feet 10 inches tall and weigh around 210 pounds, females are a little shorter at an average 6 feet 3 inches, and less heavy at around 168 pounds. Exceptional males can reach 9 feet in height, although this is uncommon, but not unheard of. Males and females both tend to have brown based colour hair but often have streaks or high-lights of lighter and darker colours within it to give a dappled or blended effect, they tend to grey early in age, however and are often a mixture of grey-white dappled hair by the time they reach 40 Dodecates. Men can sport beards or just moustaches, some females never cut their hair and it can grow up to their height in length. they are both of robust and large frames, females are small breasted but wide hipped, men are broad shouldered and have large hands and feet. All have strong noses and heavy brows, this and small round ears give their heads a bird-like look to them. Fair of skin, they can have any colour eyes from black to brightest blue to yellow.
Pomerainians are masters of the mountain or tall forest and have an uncanny knack with animals especially the birds of Lawner. Taroc Eagles of the Pomerainian Mountains are their friends and mounts, this has given rise to many other names for the Pomerainians among the Serevmen: Eagle Riders, Eaglemen, Eaglepeople and Bird Folk. The Pomerainian has an almost mind-connection with their mounts and are introduced to them when young and often tie with several hatchlings, both birds and Pomerainian grow together and train together and by the time the Eagle is fully mature the Pomerainian will be able to ride the magnificent creatures.
This has led to Pomerainians being mainly skilled in leather craft and hunting of the forests below their mountains. They can forge and are skilled with wood or hide, making most items from these materials. Occasionally they fly to The Lands of Law to trade or to give news of the Galashkra movements, if they look ominous.
They live in tribal societies in caves, or tree homes where the Taroc Eagles can alight. Often in hundreds nearer to the center of the forest; the deeper or higher into the mountain range you go they branch out in a circular pattern in smaller communities towards the outer edge of their territory. Pomerainians are very territorial and will suffer no usurper to settle in their domain if they feel the environment can not sustain both well. This partly explains their hatred of the Galashkra and Trallish races whom they hunt and chase out of their territories constantly. Otherwise they share their territory with all and any creature or race, they mix well with Eagalts, Tree Folk, and the mountain and forest dwelling giants, as long as they are not evil.
Their homes are the caves and treetop wooden cabins they make, using parts of the tree as main supports. Simple places, but strong and well made, or furnished to make cold stone comfortable. They have no ornaments cluttering their homes but may have many items carefully and thoughtfully placed to be at hand when needed. Food is also simple with hot food only during the coldest times. It is considered everyone's duty to prepare food for the family group or 'clutch'.
Pomerainians are led by an appointed member, male or female and each settlement bows to the over-charge of a greater or larger settlement. Small communities call their leaders Chieftains or Taroclords, the overall leader in the largest settlement is called the Dove Paragon.
Pomerainians are generally monogamous and the females can produce between one to two young, with one being typical. Young take around eighteen years to mature, but maturity is often not as important as that of the confidence and talent the child may show. Their abilities and interests are usually encouraged and they may be placed with a teacher or 'Croft' as soon as they are believed able to start learning. Age seems of little importance over enthusiasm and ability. Often it is particular professions which dictate at which age training should begin. Pomerainians can live almost anywhere given enough food, water and some shelter, but they easily get homesick, especially for mountains and the creatures of their territories, which explains why they have expanded so little. They are a very hardy folk but suffer from short lives and a limited resistance to disease or pestilence when compared to many other races. The average life span of a Pomerainian is between 50-110, dependent on the environment in which they live and their profession. Females often live longer if in good shelter and with enough food and help, they can even reach the age of 130, but this is very rare indeed.
Pomerainians rarely have any Manc ability but occasionally show other strange abilities, they all are very empathic with animals, especially birds. They also have very good eyesight and sense of smell.
They share a common tongue called 'Pomern' but many also speak Common tongue, many can write and learn other languages too. Literature is rare, with only a few gifted members being able to write well. They do use a series of slashes and dots to represent certain key phrases and meanings, developed from notes passed to and from messengers in times of war or when hunting out large groups of unwanted visitors to their territories. Usually skin or beaten bark is used to write on, they are unfamiliar with paper. Using natural inks such as berries, burnt wood or soil mixed with water they can write these notes quickly and with a clear hand, indeed when taught the ways of artistry or writing they can excel in it.
Music comes in many forms, singing is the main form of natural instrument, but they craft other instruments such as horns, drums, flutes, whistles, rattles and have many songs and sounds which they use in times of festivities or to celebrate good news or events, they also have a very low sounding horn, too long to hold aloft, except by the largest of them, these horns take much strength of the chest to play, but they produce a sound which echoes around the mountain side and tree tops, traveling for great leagues, still clear. Simple notes and music can in this way be played often taking some time before finishing, with many notes held for some time. these instruments they tend to use only for the best or worst of times, then mostly in times of war to either show their lack or fear or to send waves of doubt through any would-be invader.