Physical description | ||
Growth and development | ||
Leaders | Society | Language |
Music | Dwellings | Statistics |
Manc | Crafts | Loremaster |
Glossary | History |
Galaniŕ are Manc creatures of nature, forests, grace and beauty.
A mature galaniŕ of 19
Dodecates is typically 4 feet 6 inches to 5 feet 4 inches in height,
and weighs between 3 to 7 stone (21-112 lbs.). They are of very pale
skin colour, with flashes of blushing colour when emotional. They have
fine features of exquisite beauty, with varied face shapes which are very symmetrical as are their
bodies. They are proportioned perfectly. They
have large eyes compared to serevmen, with strong colours of gold,
yellow, all hues of green, pale peachy-orange, violet, mauve, pale blue
through to deep blue, and all hues of brown. They never have black,
red, or white eyes. Hair is luscious and often long, but they may cut
or style it as they wish. Hair colour is also varied but stay within
the woodland and earthen colour range. Rare hair colours include
metallic hues of silver, copper, or gold. They never have primary red,
black or blue hair. Their ears are pointed, and laid back alongside the
head, rarely sticking out to the side. This seems to give them a great
range of sound detection in volume, pitch and timbre. It has been
suggested that their lifestyles within woodland has caused their ears
to become this way, in order to perceive sound more accurately both in
front and behind them. Their ears are also minutely downy, giving them
instinctive perception of air movement and changes in temperature and
possibly even the ability to navigate more effectively using the
natural magnetism of the land. Their mouths may be large or small, but
are always proportionate to their faces. They never have facial hair
other than delicate eyebrows and long eyelashes. Galaniŕ
replace any lost teeth quickly, and they are naturally white. Their
tongues are thiner when compared to a serevmen, and have a superior
sense of taste. Their bodies are generally lithe and toned, with long
limbs and narrow waists. Hands are narrow with long, delicate fingers
that have great dexterity. Nails are strong and very clear and do not
grow quickly or long.
They generally dislike living alone or even in small numbers. Although many have no family, they freely mix with every member of their community. Often, when their community is composed of differing galaniŕ races, there is no class or hierarchy that dictates some members may not interact with another. Although galaniŕ tend to give galaniŕ balail the utmost respect and assume them to be leaders, this is through untold Dodecates of galaniŕ balail being more powerful in both Manc and lores and thus are revered slightly, despite this, there is no written or tenet that says it must be so. Generally it is the oldest and most experienced member who rules the society. Galaniŕ societies can consist of differing galaniŕ races, as well as other races such as shimbarul, greepul, taris-lar, parilyn, yarlap-mere, farin, haracorns, pilixilis, ilooy, allent, karramanam, and elementals. Galaniŕ have several traits that make them unique,aside from other galaniŕ kin. Galaniŕ can not physically lie. They may deceive through action or lack of speech, but are unable to tell a lie. This is linked with their Lawful nature. All galaniŕ are Lawful, and most are Lawful Good in alignment. Some are Neutral or Lawful Neutral. Should a galaniŕ be turned Evil in alignment, for whatever reason or situation, it is most common for that galaniŕ to begin to wither and die, often fading from existence as their being is consumed by the fight to return to Lawful. Their lack of Chaotic alignment may also explain why it is impossible for a galaniŕ to suffer a permanent physical mutation, either through Manc, curses, breeding, poisons, injury, or other means. This also means that galaniŕ do not die of old age and are effectively immortal, only dying due to injury, including suffocation and starvation, or grief.
Monarchs are of ancient times and are considered
unusual by the ages of now. In times of past monarchs ruled through
large families and dynasties that had a tradition associated with it.
But for many Centuries the numbers of monarchs ruling galaniŕ
communities have dwindled to nothing. Leaders, as has already been
mentioned are usually the oldest or most scholarly or skilled and often
one of several chosen by the community to rule over them. They have the
respect of the whole community and make decisions based on what is best
for the community as a whole.
Typically once mated, a female may withhold actual fertilization through force of will or even deny it completely. They can postpone fertilization in this way for two or more Dodecates, but if they postpone it for longer the male seed retained often diminishes and becomes sterile. Assuming fertilization is not postponed, gestation begins instantly and the embryo starts to grow. Gestation takes 12-16 Pentawaeks. Females seem to show or feel no ill effects from the start to until the last 30 days before birth, where they suddenly become enlarged in the womb. In this last stage, called 'The Singing', the mother feels an incredible connection with the embryo and it is believed it is at the beginning of this stage that a galaniŕ is returned in the embryo from the Shadowlight. Some serevmen and other races that know of galaniŕ physiology speculate that before The Singing, the embryo is simply a growing husk, a formation of flesh and bone that grows but has no mind or sense. Galaniŕ generally reject this suggestion.
At the end of The Singing, the mother becomes almost incapacitated with the burden, although some songs and ancient tales tell of pregnant galaniŕ who had to either escape or fight Evil that wished to harm the mother or unborn young despite being so burdened. Once The Singing has ended, within three days the mother must give birth. Birth for galaniŕ is simple, painless, and only hindering during its happening. When the young emerges from the mother it is covered in a silvery-red film that evaporates with air or dissipates in water without trace. The young seems to have no umbilical, like the serevmen, but this will have in fact separated within the mother. Galaniŕ have no visible navel. The young is clearly a baby, requiring a parents considerations and responsibilities, but they never scream, and rarely cry at birth, but may laugh, giggle, or even hiccup. Young, although defenseless can perceive well and some even speak simply within a few waeks. They have a small amount of hair and eyes that remains the same colour from birth to maturity. Young develop at a similar rate to serevmen up to the age of five Dodecates, where they may begin to slow their apparent aging. A young galaniŕ is considered a baby until it learns to walk or climb, usually not before the age of two and a half Dodecates. Thereafter the child may quickly develop either physically its dexterity, strength, or manual skills, or its intellect and non-manual skills. A few show an even development of both.
It is believed that galaniŕ have no souls and that the essence of a galaniŕ that has died is in fact returned to the Shadowlight, wherein it dwells in peace for many Decades, or much longer, before being reborn in a new young. Once reborn they rarely know of their previous existence, although on very rare occasions memories flood back revealing their true identity to themselves, but if anything does return it is usually later in life and through convergent experiences.
When the child has reached the age of nine it is considered an adolescent. They may then be taught a craft, profession or other aspects that may include danger, or independent activity. They are considered able to be responsible for their own actions, despite still being very youthful in manner and mind they also have a high sense of composure when they deem it required.
Once the adolescent reaches nineteen Dodecates it is considered
mature and an adult. Free from all constraints of parental guidance or
responsibility. They also become sexually mature at this age, both male
and female are sterile before this age.
The table below gives
approximations for age comparisons to Serevmen.
1-4 | 1-4 | 60-80 | 24 |
5-8 |
5-6 | 81-95 | 25 |
9-10 | 7-9 | 96-120 | 26 |
11-14 | 10-11 | 121-150 | 27 |
13-15 |
11-14 | 151-250 | 28 |
16-18 |
14-16 | 251-430 | 29 |
19-23 |
17-19 | 431-725 | 30 |
24-28 |
20 | 726-980 | 31-32 |
29-33 |
21 | 981-1,100 | 33-34 |
34-40 |
22 | 1,101+ | 35 |
41-59 | 23 |
Settlements are usually confined to a forest or wood, but some galaniŕ communities have built or moved into external, isolated settlements. Most, within a forest or wood, have several communities that coexist alongside each other, often acting as a mini-conglomerate of societies, having their own trade and mutual protection systems. Outside of galaniŕ communities they tend to be isolatory and removed, preferring to somewhat keep hidden their own communities from those of outside races. This stems back to the Time of the Shadowlight, when galaniŕ were over cautious and anxious over other races. Galaniŕ live in the towns and cities of other races, have their own towns and cities, which may or may not be fortified. They have small colonies in common woods and forests, but are perhaps most known for having forests or woods that belong solely to them, such as the Galaniŕ Forest and Ringwood.
Towns and cities built by the galaniŕ tend towards the standard style as built by cairngroms or serevmen. An outer defense surrounding the houses of the families and trades within. Galaniŕ almost never plant fields outside of their settlements so as to protect them more easily, and the fact that they need less than most other races of these resources. They may plant some groves, orchards, or even some Vooslarin-Dol or Giant Trees. These trees can eventually get so large that they become dwellings themselves, with their branches and roots encouraged to grow in certain ways or directions to form paths, ladders, rooms and even halls. Using Lores, and possibly Manc, some Vooslarin-Dol even hold or become portals through which galaniŕ may travel to other Vooslarin-Dol, other forests or locations, or other places not yet known outside of galaniŕ secrets.
Within their own forests galaniŕ are believed to have whole tracts of woodland semi-sentient, or allow other beings to live within them that act as guards or alerts for them. Hidden from any obvious viewing, and often from Manc or other forms of scrying, are Vooslarin-Dol, great colonies living in castellated settlements, and pockets of distorted time and space that act as compacted Planes of Existence within which whole communities may live, work, or store supplies within. These also act as reservoirs of war goods and items such as siege engines, war engines and much arms and Manc weapons. Galaniŕ keep these sorts of details very secret, even from loved ones of non-galaniŕ races.
Dwellings are usually very comfortable, but simple and natural in design. Galaniŕ care not for grandeur to impress, but enjoy beauty and skilled craftwork for its own merit. Enjoying nature means they do not worry about ensuring their homes are free from insects, noise, or other considerations that seem to bother other races. This does not mean they can not construct such rooms or dwellings, merely that it is considered far less important than practical uses, comfort or beauty. They prefer dwellings to be off the ground, even high in tree-tops or upon a mountain ledge. When not in a wood, they like a view to be possible, when within a wood, why not carve, paint, or fashion a memory of a view?
A galaniŕ is content with only as much space as is needed, but they also like to entertain friends and family, and of possible whole communities. So their homes may be tiny, intimate affairs or grandly spacious places with a thought to others.
Some galaniŕ have constructed their homes in places that others may find odd for what they think they know of galaniŕ.
These homes could be underground, in hillsides, or even underwater,
with an external entrance and exit and tunnels leading to under a lake
or pool. It is said among some galaniŕ that this is a kinship with some of the Deep Galaniŕ, but perhaps it is more to do with a love of nature, whatever form it takes?
Music is a natural element to a galaniŕ. Galaniŕ love tales, songs, ballads, poetry, music, and the playing and creating of such. They have a very natural rhythm, and although merry, active, and possibly loud, it is not usually aggressive or disjointed in its manner. They prefer soft haunting melodies, foot-tapping dancing music, or dramatic choruses to accompany a great tale. Sometimes it is just a little simple tune on a simple instrument, or even a whistle or hum.
Their voices are clear, strong and captivating, although galashkra-kin have shown a deep dislike to it. They are articulate with complicated song lines, tongue-twisters, or limericks.
Instruments, like everything galaniŕ, are well
crafted and beautiful to behold. They usually play beautifully also.
Common instruments include: harps, drums, horns, flutes, whistles,
bells, chimes, lyres, lutes, fiddles of all sizes, xylophones,
tambourines, pipes, clapping and vocal music (wordless sounds such as
chants, calls, or rhythmic clicks or puffs).
Manc is important and some say essential to galaniŕ. They can turn their mind to all forms of Manc, and although able to perform an Evil Manc, their moral standing usually prevents this. They must have a reasonable cause to use Manc for harm, and unless entertaining, never use it to glorify themselves. Learning Old Tongue is easy for galaniŕ, and so they can learn Manc quickly. Their good memories mean they quickly pick up the required rituals, words, and process of creating Manc items or casting spells. Galaniŕ have many Manc that has become unique to them, but they use these rarely, and only a few galaniŕ know of them,usually it is the galaniŕ balail that retain this knowledge.
Galaniŕ prefer the Manc of nature, beauty, and creativity, rather than the Manc of destruction, death or control. But they also understand that the 7th Plane is a difficult place to survive without defenses. They also love the Manc within plants and the elements, and are equally happy utilizing either for their results.
Some galaniŕ are naturally gifted with powerful Manc, but all can learn it given time and a good mentor.
Galaniŕ can master any trade
or profession, often excelling
in them. Although they can hunt for flesh, hide, or other animal parts
they rarely do, preferring to find alternatives or scavenge such parts
from the recent dead. They do harvest and gather much of what they
need. They are very talented in all forms of crafting, from sewing to
smithing or gardening to constructing entire castles. They are renown
for their precision and minute detail,usually due to steadfast hands
and amazing eyesight. They have a natural flare for artistic design and
creativity. Even without Manc they can go on to create masterwork
pieces, but with Manc they can create truly astonishing pieces of work.
Despite their general composure and natural feel in their design and
choice of clothing, habitats and everyday objects, they can when the
mood takes them create some of the most dramatic and outstanding pieces.
Lores are frequent among the galaniŕ, mostly
associated with nature, they seem to have no restriction on any lore,
even some which are considered dark, Chaotic, or even Evil, such as
necromancy, undead, or Chaos. Perhaps due to their near-immortality and
their natural affinity with Manc, they are usually very gifted in their
Lores, able to utilize or manifest them to a high degree. The most
common Lores among galaniŕ are wood, plant, earth, animal, nature, telepathy, and empathy.