Physical description
Growth and development
Leaders Society Language
Music Dwellings Statistics

Not all nomads and primitives living in the plains are Serevmen, some are of different stock, of different animal stock even. It is unknown if daratur and dog-kin are related, but daratur share some aspect with their possible four-legged animalistic cousins.

Standing some five to six feet tall, daratur are similar to jekara. Variation is great in fur colour, although most frequent is a buff tan. Five-fingered hands end in 1 inch long dark claws, and similar, but stronger nails on their feet mirror this. Heads are akin to wolves, with prominent pointed ears, sharp eyes and long snouts ended with a darker nose. tails are all long, although some daratur tribes decorate them with feathers or beads,  or even dock them as a tribal symbol. Physically they resemble in limb proportion and muscles, though their legs are far more wolf-like in bone structure. Daratur walk with a slight bob, as their legs are multi-jointed, but they are often fleet-of-paw and steady on grassy or forest floors.

They wear clothes and armour, all of of which, except leather, they scavenge, steal, or barter from other races. Leather clothing or armour they construct themselves from the hides of their kills. They can fletch and make bows as well as stone spears, axes, bolas and nets. Metal components are again traded for or stolen. Some daratur decorate themselves with feathers, flowers, grasses, stones or crystals and some wear ear-rings, nose-rings or other forms of jewellry.

Daratur live in social packs in numbers of twenty to one hundred approximately, the average being around forty. Nomadic in nature they usually stay within other civilisations' reach. Partly for trade, partly for safety and partly for opportunity. Dominant in the pack is the Chief Dara, usually the strongest male. He will have a Gural of several bitches. Beneath the Chief Dara are all the other daratur males and all the free bitches. Any sons of the Chief Dara become the Chief Dara's own personal bodyguard. When the Chief Dara dies, or become too ill or too old to fight, he becomes a Gnawer or Tagisshral, otherwise known as Wise Dara. The sons will then battle for supremacy, the losers of which are then relegated to normal pack-member status. So winning the battle is very important.

Daratur bitches are fertile twice a Dodecate. Late Fall and mid Rise. They can have one to six cubs, of which the ratio of male to female is 4:1. This probably explains the main decline in daratur numbers over several Dodecates.

Usually daratur alignment in Neutral, which is fine when they are are doing well and allied with a settlement of some lawful civilisation. When allied with Evil or Unlawful partners however, they often overstep themselves and are often destroyed by retaliating forces of Good, or become betrayed by their Evil allies after their usefulness to them is over. They only work for the benefit of their community and care not for other races. They have trouble recognising boundaries and fences, which often brings them into conflict. All this aside, however, daratur are good mercenary forces for anyone willing to put up with them.

Daratur dislike and distrust Galaniŕ and Galashkra, as well as fear Manc. They trust most barbarian tribes and hunt jekara and langures. Most dog people packs are in the South Lands not venturing much past the middle lakes, but they do traverse much to the south and west. They live, on average, forty Dodecates before their lifestyles kills them off. Females often living longer, perhaps by ten Dodecates or so.

Daratur have no worship of gods or spirits, but do have typical dog instincts in sensing these sorts of things. Their senses are very acute and they are fast. Their strength is a little less, normally, than a serevmen's, but it is really their intelligence that lets them down. They are good with missile weapons having good hand-eye coordination.

They speak their own language of animalistic barks, snarls, whines, and yeps, but they somehow easily learn Common, but master no other, if rarely at all.

Daratur often howl when extremely pleased or extremely worried or angry. Often it begins with one member of the clan and the others begin to join in. It actually starts as a cacophony but slowly merges to a haunting musical call of which they seem to really gain some benefit.

Daratur tend to inhabit dells, woods, caves and some mountain passes. They will construct simple structures and walls but use wood or plant-based materials. They do not use stone less it be as a simple rock wall or dig dens and may reinforce walls with boulders and smaller stones. A few developed daratur packs have built wattle-and-daub huts in the plains using grasses, mud and their own faeces.


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