
With this Manc a wizard, or more specifically a Mancer who forms Manc around themselves without aid of deity, can cause a normal lock to turn or close, locked into place without need for touch or key. The Manc works on any locable portal regardless of locking deivce, lock, bolt, bar, winch, or upon items which are not portals but that do have a mechanical lock. Items such as belts, backpacks, buckles, and such are unaffected, whilst small boxes, chastity belts, or any lock-operated device such as redied crossbows are affected.

In it's simplest form it locks that which is not locked but can be unlocked with the key.

By increasing the Power Level by 1 the lock will remain locked until the Duration has ended, this is equal to the caster's Level in Passages. No key or other device will unlock it unless the caster wishes it.

Another Power Level again (+2 Power Levels) causes the lockto remain locked for the caster's Level in days or until the caster wishes it open.With this power increase the lock may be re-opened as wished and used and then immediately re-locked without any break in the Manc's Duration.

Regardless of the power of the Wizard Lock, if enough strength is administered to the portal or lock to force it open,it will do so.The Manc gicves no bonus to the strength of the lock or portal. Some very powerful Magi can cast a Wizard Lock which does ignore the strongest attacks against it. The greatest Mancers may increase the Power Levels by four above the base form to create a permanently locked state on the device or portal. They may open and re-lock the portal as desired with a simple word, gesture, or while in possession of a specified item,held just before the lock.

Loks or greater Mancers may mindcast the word or gesture. A powerful Magi may add five Power Levels to the base form and this magically strengthens the lock and portal, although unfortunately not items with locks. The portal is then barred to anyone unless the Magi opens it themselves or gives them the opening command, gesture, or item. The locked portal is strengthened to 100 times greater than its normal strength. thus a Magi who Wizard Locks their door to a dragon may find their towers razed to the ground, but amidst the rubble the portal and lock will still be standing.

To cast the Manc the Mancer must be able to see the lock and the lock must be in range of their voice, be it a shout or a whisper. The lock will have an aura of Manc around it once the Manc has been cast. Portals with locks on only one side can not be Wizard Locked unless the Mancer is on the same side as it; even if they have full knowledge of it, they can not cast the Manc upon it.

There is no limit to the size of the lock unless the lockis larger than the casting Mancer. If this is the case, then multiple casting Mancers wll need to cast simultaneously and only they together can open it, or anyone who knows the multiple words, gestures, or who has all the necessary items,or any combination of the three methods.

An Aperture Release Manc greater in power than that of the locking Mancer will unlock or cancel out the Wizard Lock. Cancelling has the effect of dispelling the Wizard Lock, but does not unlock it, leaving it locked as normal. Unlocking it, will allow the portal or device to be opened but once closed again it will remain Wizard Locked once more. Banish Manc does not work unless also greater in power than the locking Mancer. Rust Manc, or Alter Form Manc attempts, or any attempt to damage the lock will succeed, unless it is less damage than would succeed agaisnt the lock normally, or against the strengthened version as cast by Magi.  Unless the lock itself seals the portal completely as part of the locking mechanism, Wizard Lock does not prevent a Dimension Form or Gaseous Form from passing through any cracks around it, or even through the key hole if not sealed in some way.

Spell Casting:-

These are the vocals to cast a single spell, not creation vocals. See vocals for item creation for creation vocals for spells.


Beloin Acrash Tenor
Bly Zigrat Smer Zigrat Pef Zigrat bruddaz
Bly Zigrat bruddaz Zigrat Pef Zigrat Smer
Beloin Zegram Camar

Zigrat Torbraninela
Zigrat Torbraninela
Kellat Ik Waranin Bly Zigrat Smer
Ik Waranin Glem Nac shaazkick
Smer Brend Smer
brudda Brend brudda
Zigrat Torbraninela
Zigrat Torbraninela

Item Creation:-

1 Passage and 2Turns meditation for all items and stored spells.

Both the wand and the scroll require a key or equivalent to be placed in the center of an Üolarm. Then the incantation must be performed while lighting four candles made of crama beetle wax or some other beetle or grub-based waxy candle. The candles must only be four inches tall and be inscribed with the runes Magi and Avrantar. A smoking brand made from Tarse leaves (lowers Power Level by 1) or ash, willow, birch, or alder twigs must be waved above the key. Once a circuit of this ritual has been performed, the wand or scroll, previously fashioned, must then be placed over the key and the ceremony repeated, although this time extinguishing the candles in the same order that they were lighted.

The wand must be of the same material as the brands and the scroll must be sealed with wax from all four candles used in the ceremony. The spell follows the same procedure and rituals as the wand and scroll except that the Mancer must be, from the start, within the Üolarm and holds the key in the hand not holding the brand. The ceremony must not be stopped once began or the Mancer will become drained and the spell attempt wasted. Once the ceremony has been completed, the Mancer then sits, meditating over the Manc ritual for at least a Passage.

If an item is to be included in the opening of the lock, then this must be placed along with the key throughout the entire whole ceremony. The key is neither harmed nor altered after the ritual.

Item Vocals:

Beloin Acrash Tenor
Carsh Zeg Magiranin
Carsh Zeg Magiranin
Carsh Zeg Magiranin
Carsh Zeg Magiranin
Carsh Zeg Magiranin
Bly Zigrat Smer Zigrat Pef Zigrat bruddaz
Bly Zigrat bruddaz Zigrat Pef Zigrat Smer
Beloin Zegram Camar
Kellat Ik Waranin Bly Zigrat Smer
Ik Waranin Glem Nac shaazkick
Ik Zigrat Torbraninela Jielk Zigrat Pef
Carsh Zeg Magiranin
Carsh Zeg Magiranin riseaccent
Carsh Zeg Magiranin riseaccent
Beloin Acrash Tenor
Zegram Camar Beloin

0 (See Text)
30 Feet
All Hearing
1 Passage + 2 Turns
0 (See Text)
40 Feet
Vocal and Sight
1 Passage + 2 Turns
1 Passage + 2 Turns
Spell 10 6 4
0 (See Text) 60 Feet Vocal and Sight 1 Passage + 2 Turns -
Other 15 14 D.O.I.

1 Round = 30 seconds