Each Manc entry begins with a little history and/or a simple explanation of the overall effect of the Manc. Then what follows is a breakdown of its properties and requirements, restrictions, resistances, Power modifications and effects, and the Manc nemesis.

After the description any vocals needed for the casting of the spell version of the Manc, if available, is included, followed by the item creation description if any items are available.

The last entry is usually a table, which is the creation table for that Manc. The table usually consists of 8 columns: ITEM, LEVEL, CHARGES, DURATION, RANGE, NOTES, VIRGIN, and MAIDEN.

This names the item and are the choices available for that particular Manc. 'Other' usually at the bottom of this column is for Mancers who wish to study, research and create a variation of the normal item or to create a new item for this Manc. New items or variants have unknown qualities and abilities, and therefore all new creations must be checked with the DM for approval.

This determines the difficulty level to create, store the Manc or cast the spell. It should be cross-referenced with the creator's/caster's Level on the Manc Table to determine the result needed. The blue numbers in the first half of this column are for default or normal wizards, whilst the green numbers are for magicians only, and the black numbers for sorcerers only. If this number is greater than the caster's max Level that they may attempt, then it can not be attempted by this Mancer at this time, unless some other means is made available, by either reducing the Manc level of the item/spell or increasing the Level of the Mancer. This difficulty can be lowered by one Level by saying the vocals. Vocals are explained elsewhere.

This column indicates how many default charges are produced in the item or when storing a spell in the caster themselves, for use later. It does not indicate charges when casting spontaneously; spontaneous casting always results in only one charge being cast immediately. 'D.O.I.' means 'Depending On item' and refers to the unknown abilities of that new form of this Manc. Consult with the DM on its final abilities.

This column indicates how many Rounds (30 seconds) or other time periods each casting or one use of the spell or item lasts before the effect either ceases or reverts. 'D.O.I.' means 'Depending On item' and refers to the unknown abilities of that new form of this Manc. Consult with the DM on its final abilities.

This is normally in feet and determines the distance at which that item can affect a target. # Feet is the number of feet maximum. Hearing means all who hear the casting are affected. L.O.S. means Line Of sight, and means the total range is equal to the caster's line of sight and distance. Seen means all those targets seen by the caster. Touch means the caster must touch the target to affect it. 'D.O.I.' means 'Depending On item' and refers to the unknown abilities of that new form of this Manc. Consult with the DM on its final abilities.

These are any other pieces of information that may be useful, important or relevant. It may include the colour of a potion, material of the item (any other material is unacceptable and will not accept this Manc). Whether or not the item must have a symbol carved, inscribed, or otherwise marked upon it. 'D.O.I.' means 'Depending On item' and refers to the unknown abilities of that new form of this Manc. Consult with the DM on its final abilities.

This column relates to the item being created and the time it takes to do so. This has nothign to do with spontaneous spell casting, only ceremonial or methodical creation or imbuing. It, usually, is measured in Passages (1½ hours) but may be in Turns (18 minutes), Movements (3 hours) or even in days or longer periods. There are ways of reducing this time (which makes success harder) or extending the time to make success easier, this is covered elsewhere under Taking Time. A virgin item is a new item, never before having this Manc upon or imbued in it before, or on this person. 'D.O.I.' means 'Depending On item' and refers to the unknown abilities of that new form of this Manc. Consult with the DM on its final abilities.

This relates to the item being created and the time it takes to create, usually shorter than the virgin time. This has nothing to do with spontaneous spell casting, only ceremonial or methodical creation or imbuing. It, usually, is measured in Passages (1½ hours) but may be in Turns (18 minutes), Movements (3 hours) or even in days or longer periods. There are ways of reducing this time (which makes success harder) or extending the time to make success easier, this is covered elsewhere under Taking Time. A Maiden item is an item that has been used for this Manc before and is not Virgin to that particular Manc. Once it has been used to store a particular Manc it is not virgin and is called Maiden. Any new forms of Manc imbued upon it, however, and it is considered to be Virgin for that new Manc.

E.g. a staff that has never been used for Manc before is Virgin to all Manc. If it is then used to store Lightning Streak upon it, it is now Maiden for Lightning Streak, but still Virgin to all other Manc that may be placed upon it.

 'D.O.I.' means 'Depending On item' and refers to the unknown abilities of that new form of this Manc. Consult with the DM on its final abilities.

Vocals Within The Manc:
In most of the Manc descriptions there are the vocals needed to cast or create that particular Manc. Usually in red they are Old Tongue words, Power words, and some runes, which are not words, exactly, but special symbols that have come to mean specific things. Runes have a special pronunciation attributed to them. Players who say these words as part of their casting have the Power  of the Manc (it's Level) lowered by 1 level, thereby making it easier to succeed in casting or creating. It is there to encourage good roleplaying. Experience points will be awarded to those who produce good renditions and dramatic feeling to the casting dependent upon the situation.

This sign rise accent called a rise accent, indicates the words being spoken should be raised in strength towards the end of the line. It identifies dramatic speech with stressed line ends.

This sign hold word indicates the sound of the last word should be held, making the word sound longer.

This ..... indicates where the correct word should be inserted. Mostly used where the word of specific people's names or items should be placed (Gorath the Red, Wand, Staff, Potion, Bow etc.)