Smoke Screen is a defensive Mance that has an offence method to achieve its goals. It appears as a simple line of dark-brown smoke, billowing upwards and disappearing as it reaches its maximum height. The smoke seems to erupt from the line of the screen and has no gaps or spaces, completely filling the length and height, and blocking any line of sight to the other side. This alone can be a defensive measure,although that is not the purpose of this Manc. By default the size is 20 feet long by 20 feet tall and 2 feet wide. The screen can be bent in a gentle curve or kept in a straight line. It can not form a circle, unless two screens are used. Multiple Smoke Screens that touch immediately bond together forming a larger screen.
The size of the Smoke screen default can be altered by increasing
Power Levels. To increase its size on height or length by 5 feet
requires a +1 Power Level. To double the thickness requires +2 Power
Levels. These increases are cumulative (i.e. 25 foot long screen = +1
Power Level; 25 foot long, 4 feet wide screen = +3 Power Levels; 30
feet high, 30 feet long = +4 Power Levels.
As a victim approaches the Smoke Screen they are affected by its main effects. By default this is the natural choking that smoke gives off. The victim must practically touch, or try to pass through the smoke for this to occur. The smoke inhaled, even if by a little bit, is cloying to the throat, painful to the chest and causes constant coughing and choking for 1D4+1 Rounds. It does no lasting damage but for the time it does last is equivalent to a Level 4 Wound.
Smoke Screen can have other Manc combined in the creation stage for
differing effects. First a scroll of the intended effect Manc must be
created. This is consumed in the creation of the combined Manc result.
However, the Level of the effect Manc being added is added to the Level
of the item being created as a Smoke Screen. (E.g. Creating a Smoke
Screen wand, with Enervation as its effect, needs an Enervation Scroll
which is Level 5. So the final Smoke Screen creation Level is [Level of
Enervation scroll = 5] + [Level of Smoke Screen wand = 4] = 9. Creating
a Smoke Screen staff with Sleep (1st form) as it's effect, needs a
Sleep scroll, which is Level 7. So the final Smoke Screen creation
Level is [Level of Sleep (1st form) scroll = 7] + [Level of Smoke
Screen staff = 5] = 12.) As long as the final creation level is within
the creator's ability, and the additional Manc comes in the form of a
scroll, any combination can be made.
True Seeing allows poor vision through the smoke, but the other
effects remain active. Banish Manc dispels it. The smoke is unaffected
by wind, fire, water or physical obstructions, as the smoke continues
upwards, merely bending around any overhang and continuing past to
reform into a straight screen, assuming the overhang is below the
maximum height.
Spell Casting:-
Note: the Spell item of Smoke Screen can only be combined with other
Manc is a scroll of the appropriate Manc is available to be consumed in
the creation process. This scroll need not be created by the same
Mancer as creating the Smoke Screen, but counts as if created by this
Mancer's Level if the Level of the other Manc influences its effects.
old tongue words here
old tongue words here
Item Creation:-
If combining another Manc, a scroll of the other Manc is required
and is consumed in the creation process of the Smoke Screen item.
Item Vocals:
old tongue words here
old tongue words here
Pellet |
3 |
3 |
1 |
72 Rounds |
Throw |
Brown |
2 Passages |
- |
Scroll |
3 |
3 |
1 |
72 Rounds |
120 Feet |
2 Passages |
- |
Potion |
3 |
3 |
1 |
72 Rounds |
Throw / Pour |
Swirling Brown |
1 Passage |
- |
Whip |
4 |
3 |
6 |
72 Rounds |
Strike |
- |
1 Movement |
1 Passage |
Wand |
4 |
3 |
6 |
72 Rounds |
40 Feet |
- |
1 Movement |
1 Passage 3 Turns |
Staff |
5 |
4 |
5 |
72 Rounds |
50 Feet |
- |
5 Passages |
2 Passages |
Spell | 6 |
5 |
6 |
72 Rounds | 60 Feet | - | 4 Passages | - |
Other | 9 |
9 |
D.O.I. |
D.O.I | D.O.I | D.O.I | D.O.I | D.O.I |
1 Round = 30 seconds