The memory of Mancer's are infamously immense, but even they
sometimes have snippets of information that requires recording and not
risked being written down. This Manc gives the item imbued with it the
ability to have specific memories held upon it and recalled to the user
after a command. The memory imbued upon the item has all the facets
included at the time the memory was made. The images, sounds, smells,
tastes, touches, feelings and such are combined into a memory and
returned when used to recall the memory from the item. It takes a
single Round to record a memory onto the item.
The user that records memories can recall those memories from the item before any others recorded by other users. Then after seeing those memories the other memories may be accessed. It takes a few instances to see a memory upon the item and up to three memories per Round can be quickly viewed before passing on to the next. Should the user know of a specific memory upon the item, however vaguely, they may recall that memory instantly. It usually takes a single Round to relive the memory, but very short memories, such as a word, picture, or other single memory hanger it is almost instant.
The maximum number of memories that can be remembered on an item is equal to 6 + Level of the Mancer. Once the item has filled this amount of memories a new memory added must take the place of current one at the user's discretion. A memory can be recalled and dispelled from the item as wished by the user.
This Manc is resistant to Banish Manc unless the Mancer that casts
the Banish Manc is three times higher than the creator of the Remember
Spell Casting:-
old tongue words here
old tongue words here
Item Creation:-
The ring must be worn when recording or recalling the memories. The
Maiden time is listed in case the item is somehow removed of this Manc.
Item Vocals:
old tongue words here
old tongue words here
Ring |
3 |
3 |
P |
P | - | Worn | 1 Movement | 1 Passage |
Other | 10 | 10 |
D.O.I. |
D.O.I | D.O.I | D.O.I | D.O.I | D.O.I |
1 Round = 30 seconds