Understanding what others think or intend to do gives a great
advantage, as does the ability to determine the truth or feelings of
another. Yuendlf Togaz allows the user to initially feel the thoughts
and emotions of the victim.Further focused use allows the hearing of thoughts, and then the viewing of memories or thoughts.
In the first Round of use, this Manc gives the user the ability to determine the victim's surface emotions and feelings. Subsequent Rounds allow for a deeper search of specifics or more detailed information, but this deeper use triggers an immediate Save Vs Manc to notice the thoughts or feelings being brought forward and a successful INT will tell the victim they are being felt by an unknown force or presence. Those victims aware of the intrusion may make a Save Vs Manc to resist each individual probe for a specific thought, memory, or emotion.
The user must be focused on the target victim and have them within Line Of Sight and be within Range of the Manc item being used. If the victim does not share a language with the user then only garbled words are heard and only the emotions and feelings are clearly felt by the user.
Specific memories, thoughts, or feelings and emotions may be sought for but take longer to focus for, as well as giving the victim the Save chance. Failing the save means the victim reveals the specific sought for information to the user. To probe for old, forgotten,or repressed memories takes at least four Rounds and the victim gains +1 Save Vs Manc to resist if unaware, and +2 to the Save if aware of the attempt.
Any successful Save means the Manc upon the victim is negated,
although a new attempt may be made by the user. Beings with
Intelligences greater than 100 can notice the probing of this Manc
instantly and have Save Vs Manc x2 resistances.
Spell Casting:-
This Manc has no spell associated with it.Item Creation:-
The tablet and potion must be ingested.
The ring, helmet, and amulet must be worn and an activation command given, along with clear Line Of Sight to the victim. Activation and then deactivation determines how many Rounds were used.
The rod requires clear Line Of Sight and to be held in the hand vertically.
Item Vocals:
old tongue words here
old tongue words here
Tablet |
6 |
6 |
1 |
60 Rounds | 60 Feet |
Ingest / L.O.S. |
3 Movements |
- |
Potion |
6 |
6 |
1 | 60 Rounds | 60 Feet |
Ingest / L.O.S. |
2 Movements |
- |
Ring |
8 |
8 |
1-240 Rounds | 1-240 Rounds | 80 Feet |
Worn / L.O.S. |
2 Days |
1 Day |
Helmet |
8 |
8 |
1-300 Rounds |
1-300 Rounds | 100 Feet |
Worn / L.O.S. |
2 Days |
1 Day |
Rod | 8 | 8 |
4 |
60 Rounds | 120 Feet | L.O.S. | 2 Days | 1 Movement |
Amulet |
9 |
9 |
1-400 Rounds |
1-400 Rounds |
140 Feet | Worn / L.O.S. | 1 Day | 2 Passages |
Other | 15 | 15 |
D.O.I. |
D.O.I | D.O.I | D.O.I | D.O.I | D.O.I |
1 Round = 30 seconds