The effect of this Manc is simple, any Manc item, person, area, creature, element, or field is stripped of it its Manc properties. Banish Manc consumes Manc from these items, although some creatures, items, or Manc areas may need several banishments before complete removal, but usually one casting is sufficient for most. On items it casts away Manc starting with the lowest forms first. The item can then be reused to imbue Manc upon it. On persons or creatures, it removes Manc powers from them or abilities for a period of time. On areas, fields, or entities it tends to destroy. Whatever it is cast at it always banishes the lowest form of Manc first.
Many Mancers have agreed, and now find it most disgusting, for the casting of Banish Manc upon another Mancer. This is considered Mancer Law. It is said that some Mancers have lost their powers permanently, but this is very rare, normally only 1%. An item which contains only Banish Manc can not be detected by Manc Detecting, for its Manc is all consuming, including its Manc Aura.
The longer the caster takes to cast the spell, the less likelihood
of (in the case of failure) the user taking the full effect upon
themselves. Banish Manc can not be Mindcast.
Spell Casting
Acrash Tenor Semash Feree
Acrash Tenor Semash Feree
Acrash Tenor Semash Feree
Zigrat Torbraninela Branin Tu Zigrat Mue Smer Arsh
Zigrat Glem Smeragklin Tu Oprallin Manc
Tu Lo Misa Manc Tu Himshal Febset Doobal
Bly Yuendl Smer Zigrat Dort Mue Smeglom
Charl Zur Zigrat Summasen Trocashel Mue Hihe Shay Baran
Dak Ik Zigrat Torbraninela Dak Tu Zigrat
Ik Manc Torbraninela Prodan Queb Barazan
Eruf Umuth Glem Queb Kellatam
Zigrat Meletooth Febset Xidix Umuth Tu Yous
Charl Zigrat Branin
Gitel Dothel
Charl Zigrat Torbraninela Gitelhas Yuendl Korl Torbrashig
Acrash Tenor Semash Feree
Acrash Tenor Semash Feree
Acrash Tenor Semash Feree
Manc Lek Doombar Charl Zigrat Dort Sarged
Tu Zigrat Assen Zigrat Prodan
Tu Zep Umuth Cím Hihe Tié Chelmed
Manc Brend Manc Brend
Mue Manc Bookal Glem Queb Gulugh
Mue Manc Bookal Glem Vilbaran Kellat
Mue Manc Bookal Glem Queb Baran Tu Xid
Zigrat Dak Fol Manc Tu Sarg
Manc Zep Manc Queb Fidas
Acrash Tenor Semash Feree
Acrash Tenor Semash Feree
Acrash Tenor Semash Feree
Item Creation:-
During creation, hand gestures and vocals are necessary; also the caster must be alert, any tiredness negates the success. Instead of a chant the spell may be written. The chant (or writing) must be done five times, any break in which results in their caster losing their Manc.
All items must be immersed during creation and then dried quickly, but safely, over a fire of oak-wood from which mistletoe grows, or some other Manc wood.Neither willow wood nor elm can accept Banish Manc, also gold refuses it.
The scroll is not immersed but the ink must have mistletoe oil in
it. The scroll when used must have a visible target as the Manc can
only be held for the Mancer's Level in Rounds. The Mancer while holding
can not speak or do any activity or the Manc is cast upon the holder.
If, during casting of Banish Manc, the Mancer is stopped or
disturbed,the Manc effect will take effect upon them.
Item Vocals:
Acrash Tenor Semash Feree
Acrash Tenor Semash Feree
Acrash Tenor Semash Feree
Zigrat Torbraninela Branin Tu Zigrat Mue Smer Arsh
Zigrat Glem Smeragklin Tu Oprallin Manc
Tu Lo Misa Manc Tu Himshal Febset Doobal
Bly Yuendl Smer Zigrat Dort Mue Smeglom
Charl Zur Zigrat Summasen Trocashel Mue Hihe Shay Baran
Dak Ik Zigrat Torbraninela Dak Tu Zigrat
Ik Manc Torbraninela Prodan Queb Barazan
Eruf Umuth Glem Queb Kellatam
Zigrat Meletooth Febset Xidix Umuth Tu Yous
Charl Zigrat Branin
Gitel Dothel
Charl Zigrat Torbraninela Gitelhas Yuendl Korl Torbrashig
Teken Zigrat Manc Zigrat Dak Baran
Teken Manc Tu Manc Brend Ik ....
Charl Uth Lek Doombar Zigrat Lek Membos
Acrash Tenor Semash Feree
Teken Lié Ik Dis Torbraninela Frent Zigrat
Acrash Tenor Semash Feree
Acrash Tenor Semash Feree
Acrash Tenor Semash Feree
Manc Lek Doombar Charl Zigrat Dort Sarged
Tu Zigrat Assen Zigrat Prodan
Tu Zep Umuth Cím Hihe Tié Chelmed
Manc Brend Manc Brend
Mue Manc Bookal Glem Queb Gulugh
Mue Manc Bookal Glem Vilbaran Kellat
Mue Manc Bookal Glem Queb Baran Tu Xid
Zigrat Dak Fol Manc Tu Sarg
Manc Zep Manc Queb Fidas
Acrash Tenor Semash Feree
Acrash Tenor Semash Feree
Acrash Tenor Semash Feree
Glove |
9 |
9 |
3 |
Permanent | Touch |
Black or dark colour |
1 Day |
1 Day |
Powder |
9 |
9 |
3 |
Permanent | Touch |
White |
1 Day |
- |
Wand |
10 |
9 |
4 |
Permanent | 100 Feet |
Not Willow, Elm, or Gold |
2 Day |
1 Day |
Rod |
11 |
11 |
5 |
Permanent | 1,000 Feet |
Non-wood = +1 Power Level |
3 Days |
2 Days |
Spell | 11 | 9 | 1 |
Permanent | 500 Feet | - | 1 Day | - |
Scroll |
11 |
9 |
1 | Permanent | Sight | - | 2 Days | - |
Other | 20 | 20 | D.O.I. |
D.O.I | D.O.I | D.O.I | D.O.I | D.O.I |
1 Round = 30 seconds