Alter Form Creature changes the form of a target creature into whichever creature the caster wishes. It may be used for offence or defence. Everything on the target creature is affected equally and may become a mixture of substances into one new body or creature.
Transformed creatures still retain their original intelligence, but most other attributes become those attributed to the new creature form. If the new creature form normally has the power of speech then the victim retains their original language and does not gain a new language for the Duration of the Manc. A non-intelligent or low-intelligent creature being transformed into a normally advanced or intelligent creature gains no bonus and remains at their original intelligence. Non-verbal creatures being transformed into verbal creatures can not therefore speak, nor understand speech. Neither elementals nor undead can be affected unless the elemental is creature based.
An additional Power increase when casting causes the victim to be removed of their normal intelligence and takes that of the new creature's instead, but only if it lowers the intellect, not raises it. normal casting upon a victim gives that victim the use of that new creature's abilities to a degree. Pigs into birds may be able to fly, but could probably not sing for example. Intellect and instincts are merged. The performance is at best basic for both parts of the new creature. However, increasing the Power by one does allow the caster to give this ability if they so wish, either one half or the other, two extra Power levels can give the victim the best of both worlds.
An extra Power level allows the caster to transform creatures into imaginary creatures, although even with the increased Power levels, the end result may not always give them all the natural abilities, or indeed any.
Throughout the Duration..............
Spell Casting:-
Item Creation:-
Item Vocals:
Spell | 5 |
2 |
4 |
Day | 200 Feet | - | 8 Passages | - |
Potion |
4 |
4 |
1 |
½ Day |
60 Feet |
Bubbling Blue |
4 Passages |
- |
Other | 10 | 9 |
D.O.I |
D.O.I | D.O.I | D.O.I | D.O.I | D.O.I |
Scroll | 4 | 3 | 1 | ½ Day | Hearing | - | 6 Passages | - |
Ring | 5 | 4 | 4 | Day | 60 Feet | Mineral only | 6 Passages | 4 Passages |
Wand | 5 | 4 | 4 | Day | 100 Feet | - | 6 Passages | 4 Passages |
Staff | 6 | 6 | 5 | Day | 350 Feet | Symbol | 8 Passages | 4 Passages |
Rod | 6 | 6 | 5 | Day | 350 Feet | Mineral + Symbol | 8 Passages | 5 Passages |
1 Round = 30 seconds