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Most experience in Marvel-DAM works exactly as it does in the normal DAM rules. Of course Marvel has a few items that gain experience that need their own experience rules, mostly Powers, Power Stunts and Attributes over the normal Human limit.
One thing that often makes superheroes so different from normal folks is they often have super attributes: strength, dexterity or endurance being some of the most notable. Dependent upon the Physical Form and Origin Of Power, they may be able to increase their attributes 'above normal' after creation. Some non-Humans, androids and robots cannot increase their Attributes unless some 'other' means is discovered that may allow them to.
For many of the rest, to increase an attribute when below normal maximums (note that Demihuman, Otherworld and Elemental should have their own maximum and minimum attributes determined before-hand), is as any normal Attribute cost in the DAM system. That is, the cost to raise the Rating by 1 point is equal to the current Attribute Rating. Once the maximum has been reached however, the cost increases. The increase is a modifier based upon the Physical Form and Origin Of Power and their individual powers. Physical Form modifiers if different from the default, replaces it, it is not added to the default. Origin Of Power modifiers are added to the default after all other modifiers are applied. If the character has many attribute-linked powers or is a physical combat type character, then there may be higher modifiers to their 'above normal' increase cost, while their intellectual attributes may be the default cost. Characters that have powers that have little bearing on their attributes, such as many of the energy-based heroes, may also use the default cost to increase their attributes unless their attributes are in someway linked.
The default cost to raise an attribute 'above normal' is the current Rating + 10% of the new Rating (rounded off). E.g. a hero with a strength of 70 wishes to increase their strength by one point. They work out for a period deemed necessary by the DM and then must spend 77 Experience points to be able to raise their strength to 71 (current Rating: 70 + 71÷10: 7.1 rounded off = 77 XP). When they wish to eventually raise their strength from 74 to 75 it will cost 78 because of the rounding off. This method only works to double their normal attribute maximum. After that the cost increases again.
To increase an attribute beyond double their species maximum cost current Rating + new Rating. This again lasts until the attribute is then three times 'above normal' when the cost becomes a constant current Rating + twice new Rating and so on.
The Rating of a power may of course be increased as experience is gained. To increase the Rating of a power, that power must be actively used or tested. The amount of time needed in 'working' that power varies from power to power. By default the minimum working time is equal to the current Rating in days of use. Multiple uses in one day has no difference from one use in a day. After that amount of time has been spent working the power, it may then have experience spent upon it.
For powers of Ratings 100 - 500 the working time is doubled, thus twice the current Rating in days must be spent working the power before experience points can be spent upon it.
Ratings of 500+ need the current Rating in months of working before experience can be spent on it.
The amount of increase for each experience point also varies with each power and is usually in the form of a ratio. By default the experience point cost to increase any power is 5:1. This means five times the current Rating in experience points must be spent in order to increase the current Rating by one point.
Other ratios can be anything from 2:1 up to 50:1. Each point increase is separate and must be bought independently from each other. No Rating may be increased more than 5% of current Rating at any one time (per end of adventure). This means that a ratio of 5:1 for a power at Rating 40 cannot be increased by more than 2 per adventure and costs 200 (5 X 40) + 205 (5 X 41) giving a final Rating of 42.
Power Stunts can be purchased with Power Points at creation or with Experience Points later on. The amount of experience points needed to purchase a Power Stunt within any one power varies with each power and each Power Stunt. By default the cost is 33% of the power purchase cost per stunt. Each Power Stunt may have a modifier to this as some Power Stunts are far more difficult than others. A Power Stunt is purchased after the hero has specifically began to practice using their powers in a different or specialised way. Usually in the form of a 'trick' or 'situation-specific application', the power is utilised in such a way as to produce a desired effect.
Power Stunts can be created either through a random occurrence that was serendipitous or designed through an idea or meticulous research. The Power Stunts listed in the power description are the usual power stunts that may be utilised for that power. The character will probably, in time, think up their own stunts as they grow as a character. These unique stunts must be discussed with the DM for clearance and the two must work out a fair cost and experience cost for the new stunt. The DM has the final word as ever.
The character's Power Stunts begin life at a default Rating equal to 25% of their power's Rating, modified by the individual Power Stunt.
To increase a Power Stunt's Rating the character must spend experience points. To increase the Rating of a Power Stunt, that stunt must be actively practiced. The amount of time needed in 'practicing' that stunt varies. By default the minimum practicing time is equal to the current Power Stunt's Rating in uses. This especially applies to stunts with Power Stunt Ratings under their power's Rating. Once a stunt's Rating has reached that of it's power's Rating the time needed to practice increases to current Power Stunt Rating in days until the Rating then reaches twice that of the power's Rating (the power's current Rating not the original Rating). Between twice the Power Rating and 10 times the Powers Rating takes current Power Stunt Rating in weeks. Once the stunt becomes more than 10 times the power's Rating it costs current Power Stunt Rating in months of use. After that amount of time has been spent practicing the stunt, it may then have experience spent upon it.
The amount of increase for each experience point also varies with each Power Stunt and is usually in the form of a ratio. By default the experience point cost to increase any Power Stunt is 5:1. This means five times the current Rating in experience points must be spent in order to increase the current Rating by one point.
Other ratios can be anything from 1:1 up to 10:1. Each point increase is separate and must be bought independently from each other. No Rating may be increased more than 10% of current Rating at any one time (per end of adventure). This means that a ratio of 5:1 for a Power Stunt Rating 80 cannot be increased by more than 8 per adventure and would cost a staggering 400 (5 X 80) + 405 (5 X 81) + 410 (5 X 82) + 415 (5 X 83) + 420 (5 X 84) + 425 (5 X 85) + 430 (5 X 86) + 435 (5 X 87) giving a final Rating of 88. Will your character ever have that much experience to spend in one go?
Certain powers allow ranges to be increased at creation. Some are rigid and cannot be increased. To increase a power that can be increased in range the player must spend Experience Points. On the Line Of Sight range table the cost is equal to the next level of range cost multiplied by 10 in order to gain that range. On the Large Area Detect range table the cost is equal to the next level of range cost multiplied by 100 in order to gain that range. Only one range increase is allowed per adventure.
Certain powers allow great ranges to be reached. Some are integral to that power, such as Teleport Self or Carrier Wave, while others have standard ranges that use the Line Of Sight range table. It may be possible however, for some to increase their range beyond that of the Line Of Sight table. To do this they must transfer to the Large Area Detect range table. This is an important decision for the character to make for increasing on this table is extremely slow and very hard, but can allow immeasurable distances to be achieved. The player and DM will have to discuss whether this is a good idea for that character or not. The DM's decision is final.
To transfer to the Large Area Detect range table, the player must when the character has reached 2000 on the Line Of Sight range table and is ready to increase their range for that power, decide if to jump tables or remain on the Line Of Sight range table. If they decide to remain and continue onto the 5280 (1 mile) range, they cannot later decide to jump tables, it must be done before anymore increase in range has been made. Of course situations and the DM may decide otherwise at anytime.
Once the jump has been decided the player must save enough Experience Points to purchase the table jump. This is equal to the base cost on the Large Area Detect range table multiplied by 100 (by default the first rank is ˝ mile and would therefore cost 1 X 100 Experience Points). The character then starts at the very top of the table with a range of ˝ mile. Depending upon the power this may still be considered line of sight range. From then on to increase in range on the table is the same cost as normal.
DAM Rules | Role Playing | Marvel Superheroes
Last Updated: 12th February 2010
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