Another creation of Thurgian, these enchanted calf-high boots are fashioned from soft leather or suede with thick soles made from spongy hide hide. The boots, which come in all manners of style, only have one distinctive and uniting feature in the form of a rune engraved upon each sole, forming a crude 'X'.
These boots, perfect for rangers and druids, bestow great speed and agility upon their owner while traveling in woodlands. In any forest environment (which includes sparse woods and tree covered hills or mountains) the wearer of a pair of Boots Of The Woodland is protected as though under the permanent effect of an Endure Elements spell, adds 10 feet to the base land speed, gains a +4 insight bonus on all Reflex saves, and benefits from a +10 competence bonus on all Move Silently checks.
Both boots must be worn in a forest environment for 24 hours for their magic to take effect.
Prerequisite: Craft Wondrous Item, Cat's Grace, Endure
Elements, Expeditious Retreat
Aura: Faint Abjuration
Caster Level: 5th
Market Price: 16,000gp
Cost to Create:
Base Cost: 8,000gp
XP Cost: 640
AC: 5
Hit Points: 2
Hardness: 5
Break DC: 20
Weight: 1 lb.
Based on an entry in Dragon Magazine #328 February 2005 by Richard Farrese