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Adamantine Carriage:
Built to transport dignitaries through potentially hostile urban streets, these carriages are reinforced with adamantine, giving the carriage great protection. Typical to other types of carriage it is a four-wheeled vehicle, that can accommodate four people within and two external drivers. Drawn by two heavy horses, or appropriate beasts of burden, it comes with the harness needed to draw it.

Cost: 15, 500gp Weight: 900 lbs.

Alchemist's Mercy:
A fine powder that, when mixed with water or fruit juice and consumed, eliminates the effects of a hangover.

Cost: 1gp Weight: - Craft Skill: Alchemy Craft DC: 10

Anarchic Charm:
A vulnerability charm. The anarchic charm commonly looks like a swirling mass of ribbons tied to a colourful leather cord. The ingredients for this item must be blessed by a divine spellcaster of the law alignment to function. This involves a simple prayer, not an actual spell. An anarchic charm can be used to perform a touch attack against a creature vulnerable to chaos. This touch deals 1D6 points of damage to the creature and destroys the amulet. In addition, the target must succeed at a DC 14 Will save or be shaken for 1D4 rounds.

Cost: 30gp Weight: 1lb. Craft Skill: Alchemy Craft DC: 20

Anarchic Draught:
A vulnerability draught. The anarchic draught is based upon the individual religion's holy water, created using specific ingredients. The ingredients for this item must be blessed by a divine spellcaster of the law alignment to function. This involves a simple prayer, not an actual spell. An anarchic draught provides the imbiber with a +2 alchemical bonus on saves made against the spells and abilities of creatures vulnerable to chaos. This effect lasts for 1 hour.

Cost: 50gp Weight: - Craft Skill: Alchemy Craft DC: 25

Anti-Disease Tonic:
A vulnerability draught. Legends place the tongue of an otyugh on the ingredients list of this alchemical elixir, which fortifies the body to withstand disease. It provides a +5 alchemical bonus on the imbiber's saves against disease for 1 day.

Cost: 100gp Weight: - Craft Skill: Alchemy Craft DC: 25

Armour Soft:
This slippery red oil has a mild corrosive effect on most metals. although long-term use of armour soft is detrimental to any suit of armour, it provides the short-term benefit of easier movement and less noise. Any suit of metal armour treated with armour soft has its armour check penalty reduced by 1. The effects of armour soft last 1 hour.

Each application of armour soft causes a cumulative 5% chance of the armour failing. The check is made after the duration of the armour soft has expired. Any armour that fails as a result of armour soft's corrosive effect is rendered useless. Armour soft does not reduce the armour check penalty of non-metal armour, but the corrosive properties still apply.

Cost: 50gp Weight: 1 lbs. (1 pint) Craft Skill: Alchemy Craft DC: 25

Axiomatic Charm:
A vulnerability charm. The axiomatic charms are commonly geometric shapes secured to a fine steel chain. The ingredients for this item must be blessed by a divine spellcaster of the chaos alignment to function. This involves a simple prayer, not an actual spell. An axiomatic charm can be used to perform a touch attack against a creature vulnerable to law. This touch deals 1D6 points of damage to the creature and destroys the amulet. In addition, the target must succeed at a DC 14 Will save or be shaken for 1D4 rounds.

Cost: 30gp Weight: 1lb. Craft Skill: Alchemy Craft DC: 20

Axiomatic Draught:
A vulnerability draught. The axiomatic draught is based upon the individual religion's holy water, created using specific ingredients and stored in a vessel marked with geometric shapes. The ingredients for this item must be blessed by a divine spellcaster of the chaos alignment to function. This involves a simple prayer, not an actual spell. An axiomatic draught provides the imbiber with a +2 alchemical bonus on saves made against the spells and abilities of creatures vulnerable to law. This effect lasts for 1 hour.

Cost: 50gp Weight: - Craft Skill: Alchemy Craft DC: 25

A backpack is a leather pack carried on the back, typically with straps to secure it.

Cost: ?gp Weight: ?lb.

Blood Thickener:
This alchemical substance causes a victim's blood to thicken so it moves slower within the body. When ingested, blood thickener causes the victim to become slightly sluggish, imposing a -2 penalty to their DEX score for 12 hours, but it provides a +2 alchemical bonus to CON for that time. Additionally, a dying victim (one reduced to between -1 and -9 hit points) loses 1 hit point every 2 rounds instead of every round.

Cost: 75gp Weight: 1lb. Craft Skill: Alchemy Craft DC: 25

Book of Prayers:
A book of prayers is an ornately illustrated tome, appropriate to the religion, consecrated to a specific deity. With the book in hand, a person who worships the same deity as the one the book is devoted to can take a full round action to pray, chanting the scriptures from the book. The person reading aloud from the text may make a DC 10 CHA check to aid a cleric of the book's deity in their  attempt to turn undead. If successful, the praying person provides the cleric a +2 bonus on their turning check. A cleric can only benefit from one other person reading the book of prayers, regardless of how many read or read from their own copies of a book of prayers. People not of the consecrated religion who try to use the book always fail in their attempt to aid a cleric.

Creating a Book of Prayers requires 1 rank of Knowledge (religion) and a DC 20 Craft (writing) check.

Cost: 50gp Weight: 3lb. (Or appropriate cost and weight to the religion in form and mass of the book).

A four-wheeled vehicle that can transport as many as four people within an enclosed cab, plus two drivers. In general, two horses (or other beasts of burden) draw it. A carriage comes with the harness needed to pull it.

Cost: 100gp Weight: 600 lbs.

Clerical Vestments:

Cold Iron Charm:
A vulnerability charm. Cold iron lends itself well to charms and draughts used against fey or demons. Often shaped like a horseshoe, a cold iron charm can be used to perform a touch attack against a creature vulnerable to cold iron. This touch deals 1D6 points of damage to the creature and destroys the amulet. In addition, the target must succeed at a DC 14 Will save or be shaken for 1D4 rounds.

Cost: 30gp Weight: 1lb. Craft Skill: Alchemy Craft DC: 20

Cold Iron Draught:
A vulnerability draught. This elixir combines small amounts of cold iron with rare herbs and oils. It has a bluish tinge to it and an unpleasant metallic aftertaste. A cold iron draught provides the imbiber with a +2 alchemical bonus on saves made against the spells and abilities of creatures vulnerable to cold iron. This effect lasts for 1 hour.

Cost: 75gp Weight: - Craft Skill: Alchemy Craft DC: 25

Combination Charm:
A vulnerability charm. Charms like silver holy symbols combine the properties of an alchemical metal (silver or cold iron) with the power of an aligned charm (anarchic, axiomatic, holy, or unholy). A combination charm can be used to perform a touch attack against a creature vulnerable to either one or both of the charm's properties. This touch deals 1D6 points of damage to the creature and destroys the amulet. In addition, the target must succeed at a DC 14 Will save or be shaken for 1D4 rounds. The wealthy turn these symbols into elaborate affairs encrusted with jewels and inlaid with gilt runes.

Cost: 40gp Weight: 1lb. Craft Skill: Alchemy Craft DC: 25

Combination Draught:
A vulnerability draught. A potent blend of two draughts, the combination draught provides the best of both worlds, protecting the imbiber against creatures vulnerable to both an alchemical metal (silver or cold iron) and the power of an alignment (anarchic, axiomatic, holy, or unholy). The ingredients for this item must be blessed by a divine spellcaster of the appropriate alignment to function. This involves a simple prayer, not an actual spell. A combination draught provides the imbiber with a +2 alchemical bonus on saves made against the spells and abilities of creatures vulnerable to either or both of its components. This effect lasts for 1 hour.

Cost: 150gp Weight: - Craft Skill: Alchemy Craft DC: 28

Cooling Gel:
This cold blue gel can be applied to the skin, providing a +1 resistance bonus to fire, or heat-based attacks, or heals 1D6 points of burn damage that the character has suffered, provided it is applied within an hour of the damage.

Cost: 100gp Weight: 1 lbs. Craft Skill: Alchemy Craft DC: 20

This 15-20 foot long plank has iron spikes affixed to one end and is held in an upright position on the main deck of a ship. Often it has a large, curved tip that points away from the ship, resembling a crow's beak. When an opposing ship is close enough the crew cuts loose the corvus which then swings down onto the other ship's deck, either piercing the wooden structure, or else just gripping the side rails. The plank enables boarders to traverse the space between ships more easily, requiring only a DC 5 Balance check to do so.

Cost: 10gp Weight: 60 lbs.

Courier's Ink:
Courier's Ink is a special, invisible ink that becomes visible only after being dipped into a revealing solution. The efficient formula for the ink actually produces the revealing solution as a by product of the creation process, making the two relatively inexpensive. Thieves guilds and their ilk often use courier's ink, and thus blank pages found among captured documents from such organisations are often dipped in revealing solution to reveal any hidden information. Revealed courier's ink is always red, so intelligent users with sensitive information to hide write or draw on a page first in a differently coloured ink. Serving to draw suspicion away from pages treated with courier's ink. Once the revealing solution is applied, messages written in courier's ink are permanently visible. Courier's ink can not be used to record a spell. Until it is dipped in revealing solution, courier's ink is invisible. This makes the drawing of precise symbols in magical spells impossible.

Cost: 20gp Weight: - Craft Skill: Alchemy Craft DC: 20

The drogue is a float, usually a sealed wooden drum or an inflated seal skin attached halfway along a harpoon's 30-foot line. It works just like a bobber on a fishing line, preventing a creature from deep diving. Instead of the creature making an opposed Strength check against the person holding the harpoon line, it must make a DC 20 STR check against the float. Each additional drogue adds +5 to the STR DC. Every STR check, whether it fails or succeeds) requires a Constitution check (DC 10 +1 per previous check). After a failed CON check the creature becomes fatigued.

Cost: 1gp Weight: 2lbs.

Dragon's Teeth:
Also known as Skeggs, this row of iron spikes affixes to the prow of a small raiding ship, such as a longboat. When the ship rams another ship, the dragon's teeth dig into the wood of the other ship, holding the two ships together and making boarding easier. It takes three DC 23 Strength checks using crowbars to disengage.

Cost: 100gp Weight: 200lbs.

This thick grease provides rudimentary protection against one fire-based attack. To be effective, firebane must be smeared over the entire body. Anyone protected by the grease has fire resistance 10 while covered. The grease is only effective for half an hour. If left on the body for more than 1 hour, firebane begins to cause serious damage to the skin and deals 1 point of subdue damage per minute. Firebane can be rubbed off with water and scrubbing.

Cost: 50gp Weight: 1 lbs. Craft Skill: Alchemy Craft DC: 25

Fire Beetle Paste:
This noxious substance is a mixture of chemicals and a concentrated distillation of fire beetle glands, yielding a thick, reddish paste. It can be spread on surfaces and burns fiercely for 1D4 rounds when touched by open flame, doing 3D6 points of damage per round and halving the hardness of the object before damage is applied. It can burn through wood, stone and even metal. One container of the paste is enough to draw a half-inch thick line 3 feet long. A container can be ignited and thrown, but the paste does not stick or splatter when used in such a manner and has the same effect as a thrown torch.

Cost: 50gp Weight: 1 lb.. Craft Skill: Alchemy Craft DC: 25

Fire Stone:
This small orange stone can be hurled as a throw-to-smash weapon. when it hits a hard surface, it bursts into a puff of flame that inflicts 1D6 points of fire damage and ignites any flammable materials within the 5-foot square where it strikes. Fires lit by a firestone burn normally.

Cost: 50gp Weight: 1 lbs. Craft Skill: Alchemy Craft DC: 25

Flash Powder:
This silky grey powder is a mild explosive. Flash powder burns too quickly to cause more than minor burns even in large quantities. What the powder lacks in explosive force, it makes up for in visual effect. Used occasionally in warfare as a diversionary tool, flash powder has become a mainstay of some burglar's equipment. The blinding light it produces often provides enough of a distraction for skilled rogues to get out of danger. Even a small quantity of the powder burns brightly enough to cause those looking directly at it to suffer a -5 penalty to all Spot checks for the next 5 rounds. The flash also provides enough of a distraction to allow someone who was under observation to make a Hide check.

Cost: 20gp Weight: 1 lbs. Craft Skill: Alchemy Craft DC: 20

Free Foot:
This quick-drying oil makes on 5-foot by 5-foot area exceptionally slippery. Creatures moving through the affected area must make a Dexterity check (DC 15) to keep their feet. Trying to stand requires a similar check as does moving out of the square once footing has been regained. Large or multi-legged creatures only suffer the effects of free foot if all of their legs are in the covered area.

Free foot and tangle wire can make a fearsome improvised trap. If either check to move out of the square is failed, the victim can not move out and is subjected to the effects of both substances again on the following round.

Cost: 25gp Weight: - Craft Skill: Alchemy Craft DC: 25

Garlic Charm:
A vulnerability charm. The garlic charm is the simplest of charms, this item is usually nothing more than a braided string of garlic bulbs brushed with holy water. It serves as a potent defence against vampires and other creatures repulsed by the herb, making it quite common in areas beset by these undead. A garlic charm can be used to perform a touch attack against a creature repulsed by garlic. This touch deals 1D6 points of damage to the creature and destroys the amulet. In addition, the target must succeed at a DC 14 Will save or be shaken for 1D4 rounds.

Cost: 5gp Weight: 1lb. Craft Skill: Alchemy Craft DC: 15

Garlic Draught:
A vulnerability draught. A flavourful brew of garlic and holy water, the garlic draught provides the repelling power of garlic in liquid form. Although hardly a boon in social situations, it proves itself invaluable when combating vampires. A garlic draught provides the imbiber with a +2 alchemical bonus on saves made against the spells and abilities of creatures repulsed by garlic. This effect lasts for 1 hour.

Cost: 50gp Weight: - Craft Skill: Alchemy Craft DC: 20

Since the tanglefoot bag's invention, scholars and adventurers alike have been looking for more ways to use the powerful but short-lived adhesive. One of the most successful variations is holdfast, a small bundle of the same adhesive attached to the end of a rope. when the rope is thrown with enough force and accuracy, the bundle breaks, creating a temporary means of securing the rope to the surface it was thrown against. Quieter than a grappling hook and easy to transport, holdfast became popular with rogues and assassins alike.

To attach the rope to the desired target, the character must make a ranged attack. Armour Class modifiers for size apply. thus a character trying to hit any point high on a 30-foot-tall wall must try to hit AC 0 (Huge inanimate wall AC 0, Range penalty -4, but AC can not be below 0). While a character trying to hit a spot within 1 foot beneath a 2-foot-wide window high on a 30-foot-high wall would have to hit AC 1 (Tiny inanimate area of wall AC 5, Range penalty -4). Any missed attack has a 50% chance of causing the holdfast bundle to break against another surface (use the rules for grenade-like weapon deviation to determine where it struck on the failed throw).

One bag of holdfast can support 200 lbs. until the adhesiveness losses its effectiveness. Holdfast lasts 1D4+3 rounds before becoming too weak to hold the rope in place. Creatures struck by holdfast can pull off the sticky bag with a successful Strength check (DC 27) or cut the attached rope.

Cost: 50gp Weight: ½ lb + rope. Range Increment: 10 Craft Skill: Alchemy Craft DC: 25

Holy Candle:
The wax of this alchemically treated candle is infused with spiritual incenses and soaked in holy water for three nights before it is used to create a candle. Holy Candles shed a pure yellow-white illumination. It radiates light in a 5 foot radius and burns for 1 hour. Clerics standing within the illumination of a holy candle gain a +2 bonus on their turning check results when attempting to turn or rebuke undead. A cleric can only be aided by one burning candle at a time.

Creating a holy candle requires one rank of Knowledge (religion) and a DC 25 Craft (Alchemy) check.

Cost: 75gp Weight: 4 ounces.

Holy Charm:
A vulnerability charm. The standard wooden holy symbol of the sort worn by clerics and paladins is also effective against evil creatures such as demons and undead when properly consecrated by one of faith. The ingredients for this item must be blessed by a divine spellcaster of the appropriate alignment to function. This involves a simple prayer, not an actual spell. In addition to serving as a divine focus, a holy charm can be used to perform a touch attack against a creature vulnerable to good. This touch deals 1D6 points of damage to the creature and destroys the symbol. In addition, the target must succeed at a DC 14 Will save or be shaken for 1D4 rounds.

Cost: 30gp Weight: 1lb. Craft Skill: Alchemy Craft DC: 20

Holy Draught:
A vulnerability draught. A mixture of rare herbs and specially prepared holy water, the holy draught serves as a staple for those who battle the undead. It tastes sweet, almost cloyingly so. The ingredients for this item must be blessed by a divine spellcaster of the appropriate alignment to function. This involves a simple prayer, not an actual spell. A holy draught provides the imbiber with a +2 alchemical bonus on saves made against the spells and abilities of creatures vulnerable to good. This effect lasts for 1 hour.

Cost: 50gp Weight: - Craft Skill: Alchemy Craft DC: 25

Holy Wafers:
Holy wafers refers to any food specifically created and sanctified for use in a religious ceremony. Commonly in the form of small, stylized bread wafers, impressed with religious images or containing religious ingredients, holy wafers have few uses outside of sacred rituals. However, these unassuming wafers are also one of the most effective methods of dispatching vampires. Destroying a vampire's body is often difficult without access to powerful spells like Disintegration, and even staking the creature and burning it might prove dangerous if the stake burns first. Yet filling a vampire's mouth with holy wafers and cutting off its head is a relatively simple feat and effectively prevents it from returning to undeath. Divine spells that create food, such as Goodberry, can also be used to the same effect as holy wafers. Holy wafers can be purchased at most holy temples and shrines.

Cost (10): 2sp Weight: 3 ounces. (Or appropriate cost and weight to the religion in form and mass of the book).

Holy Water:

Ice Crystal:
When immersed into liquid, this small piece of rock crystal becomes as cold as ice and remains that way until it is removed from the liquid, whereupon it reverts to its normal temperature. Ice crystals are used to keep liquids cool in laboratories and by the wealthy to keep drinks cold. After 100 uses the ice crystal has a 10% chance of cracking, and thus becoming useless, following each subsequent use.

Cost: 5gp Weight: - Craft Skill: Alchemy Craft DC: 15

Insect Repellent:
This strong smelling liquid can be applied to the skin to repel insects. It keeps Tiny or smaller insects at bay for 4 hours per application. Larger insects and those under the control of a spell must make a Will save (DC 12) to approach a protected character. This benefit is lost if the character attacks the insect. This liquid can of course be placed on objects or windows and doors to prevent insects from entering.

Cost: 5gp Weight: 1 lb. (1 pint) Craft Skill: Alchemy Craft DC: 15

Liquid Ice:
This viscous liquid becomes extremely cold on exposure to air. A pint vial of liquid ice can freeze the surface of up to a 10-foot by 10-foot area of water or smother a like area of fire. Used as a throw-to-smash weapon, a vial of liquid ice inflicts 1D6 points of damage on a direct hit, or 1 point of splash damage.

Cost: 5gp Weight: 1 lb. (1 pint) Craft Skill: Alchemy Craft DC: 15


Mosquito Murderer:
A sickly yellow-green paste distilled from goat dung, plant extracts, and citronella oil. Wearing this affords complete protection from mosquitoes. However, it also lowers the wearer's effective. Charisma score by 2 points owing to its appalling smell. The paste needs to be reapplied every 12 hours. First discovered in the small farming village of Orchard Meadows and a single dose there typically costs 5sp.

Cost: 1gp Weight: 3lbs. Craft Skill: Alchemy Craft DC: 10

Mount's Tabard:
A paladin can also procure a tabard for their mount. Similar to a normal paladin's tabard, they usually have the paladin's emblem emblazoned with either their family coat-of-arms or the symbol of their temple, deity, or creed. Anyone viewing a paladin mount's tabard gains a +2 circumstance bonus on any Knowledge (nobility and royalty) or Knowledge (religion) checks to identify the paladin's allegiance or religion. The bonuses from the paladin's tabard and their mounts do not stack.


Last Updated: 2nd September 2006

Based on entries in Player's Handbook 3.5, Dragon Magazine #331 and Dungeon Magazine #280, #328