The infrared scopes are ancient technology and inferior to other
passive optical ehancements. However, it is inexpensive and therefore
popular among City Rats, bandits, and adventurers down on their luck.
The scop emits a narrow beam of infrared light that is invisible to
human eyes, however, the beam is visible to characters with, or using,
infrared vision, including most bots, power armour, and a number of
D-Bees. Those who can see the light can avoid it and/or follow it to
its source, giving up the user's location. Furthermore,the narrowness
of the light beam limits available viewing areato about 7 feet (2.1m).
M.D.C. Damage: NA
S.D.C. Damage: NA
R.O.F.: NA
Effective Range: 2000 feet (610m)
Payload: NA
Weight: 3.5oz. (100g)
Cost: 1000 credits