Based on the Colt .45 'Peacemaker' or 'Single-Action Army', this is a reliable and sturdy revolver, enough to sustain rough use in the field of combat as both reliable shooting iron and as a club, used to hit opponents over the head or alongside the ear with the barrel or handle. This weapon is handcrafted and commonly found with such added features as pearl, bone, or wooden grips. It has good accuracy and balance, but nothing umpressive enough to provide any bonsues to shoot. It takes 1 melee round (15 seconds) to reload, (except O.C.C.'s: Gunslinger, Lawman, Gunfighter, or Bounty Hunter, who reload in half a melee round), and uses up half of the character's attacks that (or the next) melee round. The length of barrel is 7 inches (17.78cm).

M.D.C. Damage: 2D6+3
S.D.C. Damage: NA
R.O.F.: With W.P. Handguns, each shot (a pull of the trigger) counts as 1 melee action/attack.
Effective Range: 500 feet (152m)
Payload: 6
Weight: 3lbs. (1.5kg)
Cost: 4,400 credits

1873 Colt Army .38 Revolver
Colt .38/.40 Revolver