The wilderness scout is knownfor pacing themselves for cross-country travel.This not only includes pacing their physical exertion and speed, but also pacing their food and water intake, enabling them to cover great distances on foot, horseback, or by mountain bicycle for maximum speed as a pace that can be maintained for days. This skill combined with Land Navigation also enables them to accurately predict how long a trip will take (for them alone or with others in tow - the latter always takes twice as long) within 2D6x10 minutes, or 6D6 hours if unfamiliar with the area.

This makes the wilderness scout an excellent messenger between parties, able to cut across country avoiding roads and other wll-trafficked areas, in favour of little-known back roads, hunting trails, waterways and short cuts, often ensuring secrecy and safety for the travel.

Note: A scout never reveals their most secret and favourite routes to clients or strangers accompanying them unless it is an absolute emergency. These scouts come and go without anyone knowing how, when or where they have been. Once a scout travels out of sight,they seem to simply vanish into the wilderness.

On a bicycle, this skill eneables the wilderness scout to achieve three times their running speed on level ground, and travel cross-country at twice normal running speed. They can maintain this maximum bike speed for a time equal to their P.E. x10 minutes without overexerting themselves.

Prerequisites: Wilderness Scout O.C.C..
Base Skill: 35%.
Per Experience Level: +5%.