Simple Fishing Pole (Ice)
Conventional Fishing Rod
Modern Telescoping Fishing Rod


This is a device to make fishing easier by lengthening the distance that a line and hook may reach. At its simplest it is a thin, straight tree branch with a line tied to the end. Manufactured versions include basic flexible version with a line guide, more conventional versions are made from carbon-fibre or fibreglass and include a reel for the line. Very modern versions could be made from telescoping, Mega-Damage materials with autolines, easy brakes, and release catches. Length of rods vary greatly but are generally between 2-20 feet (60cm-6m).

Cost is for basic Rod, conventional rods are double this and modern versions are quadruple this. Cases, for modern versions, are +10% of its cost.

Weight: 32oz-2lbs.10oz (900g-1.2kg)
Cost: 10-100 credits
Availability: U.S. = Varies, typically Fair (Good near coastal lake regions).