Strike rolls of 4 or less (counting bonuses) mean a miss.
Strike rolls of 5 or more mean a hit. Defender can now parry, dodge (or
entangle if applicable) to avoid the attack.
Strike must be above any Armour A.R. to hit the character or else if
between 5 and the A.R. the armour alone is hit and takes S.D.C. damage.
Strikes against M.D.C. armour damages the armour, and only when the
armour is destroyed does the character take damage (although certain
attacking impacts can alter this).
Strikes of a natural 20 are Critical Hits (double damage) and can only
be avoided with a natural 20 parry or dodge (or entangle if applicable).
Strikes that damage with impact may have their damage reduced by half
if a successful Roll With Impact is made.