Types: Comparatively small power armour like the CoalitionSAMAS
(all types), Flting Titan, Triax Predator, NG Samson, NG Red Hawk,
Chipwell Sky power armour and other small humanoid-shaped power
armour that are under 11 feet (3.3m) tall and have flight capabilities.
Power Armour Combat Elite Bonuses: Or as listed under the individual robot descriptions.
- +1 extra attack/action per melee round at level 1 (plus those of the pilot).
- +1 additional attack/action at levels 3, 6, 9, and 12.
- Critical strike as pilot's.
- +2 initiative.
- +2 Strike with energy weapons.
- +2 Strike with long range weapons.
- +2 Strike in hand to hand combat.
- +3 Parry.
- +2 Dodge on the ground.
- +5 Dodge when flying or leaping.
- +2 Disarm.
- +3 Roll with punch.
- +4 Roll with impact.
- Punch damage as per robot (or augmented) P.S.
- Power punchdoes double damage but counts as two attacks.
- Tear or pry with hands = 1D4 M.D.
- Kick damage as per robot (or augmented) P.S.
- Body block/ram equal to Robot P.S. punch damage.
- Full speed running ram does double Robot P.S. punch damage, plus
60% chance of knocking opponent off their feet if the opponent is the
same size or smaller (reduce by half chance if twice as big). Victim
takes M.D. and is knocked off feet, losing initiative and two melee attacks/actions.