Location: 3, 6, 8, 10, 17, 18 19, 20, 28, 29 |
Onion is a vegetable. It is a perennial bulb, and comes in many different varieties, ranging from 6" to 4' in height, different coloured skins, flesh, and flower form and colour, as well as many differing strength of taste. Taste ranges from piquant to mouth-burning hot. All onions have similar habit.
Hollow green stems grow in Wake. Rise brings round balls of flowers (white, purple, or red). In Fall, leaves die off and bulbils may appear at the base of the main bulb. Root is a single, multi-layered bulb. Usually white fleshed, but rink or even red and near purple have been found. the bulb is a storage medium, with little fibrous roots below the base of the bulb. On shallow soils the bulb may be almost totally above ground. The size of the bulb is relative to the size of the plant. A 1" bulb is the 6" variety, while an 8" bulb grows to the 4' high variety.
Folklore says onions promote hair growth and help remove spots and pimples. Keeping them near also protects from lightning strikes.
Plant type: Bulbous vegetable | Action: Nutrition |
Part used: Bulb only | Harvesting: Pull up, remove stalk and peel. Cut as wished or whole. |
Method: Ingest (cooked or raw) | Stored: Dried, hung in bunches (20 Days) |
Finding: Routine +5 to skill | Fresh: yes |
Worth: 1 Poor piece per five bulbs | Dose: Half a bulb or more |
Problems: 1D20% Flatulence |
Plant type: Bulbous vegetable | Action: Rhinitis (running nose / colds); Hay fever; Coughs; Bronchitis; Dropsy (+10% END to resist) |
Part used: Bulb only | Harvesting: Pull up, remove stalk and peel. Cut as wished or whole. |
Method: Ingest (cooked or raw) | Stored: Dried (6 Days), Air-tight dry (30 Days) |
Finding: Routine +5 to skill | Fresh: Yes |
Worth: blah | Dose: 1 bulb or more |
Problems: 1D20% Flatulence |
Plant type: Bulbous vegetable | Action: Anti-hypertension; Antispasmodic; Hypoglycemic (1D30% reduction) |
Part used: Bulb only | Harvesting: Pull up, remove stalk and peel. Cut as wished or whole. |
Method: Ingest (raw or cooked) | Stored: Dried, hung in bunches (20 Days) |
Finding: Routine +5 to skill | Fresh: yes |
Worth: 1 Poor piece per five bulbs | Dose: Half a bulb or more |
Problems: 1D20% Flatulence |
Plant type: Bulbous vegetable | Action: Cuts; Burns; Infections (cures 1 P.O.D.) |
Part used: Bulb only | Harvesting: Pull up, remove stalk and peel. Cut as wished or whole. |
Method: Applied (rub on externally) | Stored: None |
Finding: Routine +5 to skill | Fresh: yes |
Worth: 1 Poor piece per five bulbs | Dose: Half a bulb |
Problems: Smell only |
Plant type: Bulbous vegetable | Action: Cures mad-dog bite 25%; resistance to all venomous creatures (+1 to Save Vs Poisons for venoms) |
Part used: Bulb only | Harvesting: Pull up, remove stalk and peel. Cut as wished or whole. |
Method: Ingest (mix with Rue and Honey) | Stored: Dried, hung in bunches (20 Days) |
Finding: Routine +5 to skill | Fresh: yes |
Worth: 1 Poor piece per five bulbs | Dose: 1 bulb |
Problems: 1D20% Flatulence |