The writings of Delmar Silverbane - High Acolyte of the Grey Wizards, 14th of the Order of the Grey, Destroyer of Pencerin Silver Cross and Undorin Undead.
Journal entry detailing the events leading up to the defeat and destruction of Undorin Undead:
I have taken lead of a party of adventurers, hired by the Grey Order, to seek out and destroy the Lich. The party consisted of: Father Gauron - A cleric of
Alla-Kal We were also accompanied by Darragh. Firstday, fifthwaek, fourthpentawaek, fifthdodecate, firstdecade, secondpentacade, thirdcentury, 4C Awin 21000 We have booked passage on the Galanir' ship 'Calmwind' captained by Salil. |
Half a day after leaving Captain
Salil and the Calmwind, we were attacked by an undead army sent by Undorin.
However, through my spellcraft and with Father Gauron's assistance, we managed
to defeat their cavalry charge, but were at the mercy of their soldiers, until
Carfess (servent of Undorin) the Serevdumaw intervened. Carfess sent the undead
army back to their master, but only on the premis that we destroy Undorin and
free Carfess.
I could not agree to such a bargain, but was forced into it as Carfess had sister Friella at his mercy. With the party exhausted and damaged from the battle against the undead army, and with Carfess too powerful for me alone (Father Gauron was too weak to help) I was forced to agree to his (Carfess') proposal, to my shame. I shall after Undorin's fall, devote my time to hunting and defeating Carfess, I should have used the same tactics as with Pencerin, next time I shall! |
Carfess' departure and after Father Gauron had laid to rest the tortured
souls of the undead army, we travelled back east to the village Carfess
had mentioned, the one he had plagued with evil. It took us the best
part of a day to reach it. At dusk I ordered a halt. Glen had spotted
something as I ordered camp to be made. It turned out to be the carcass
of a young wolf inhabited by what Father Gauron called Crypt Maggots.
Some of the party saw fit to slaughter them; on casting Know alignment
and discerning their Chaotic Evil nature I ordered them destroyed.
Crypt Maggots exude a foul puss on being struck, which both smells and taints. The horses sensed it, as did any who did not become coated or sprayed with the puss, those that were, reacted with violent nausea. Father Gauron evoked a ceremony to cleanse the tainted. glen called on Tamour Brun, cleansing himself in spectacular fashion, engulfed in flames. We were all cleansed by the downpour, no doubt an intervention by Meta. We eventually reached the village to find no sign of life. The entire villagewas dead and rotting, a service would be needed to cleanse the village. I decided to camp and relinquished to Father Gauron's request to camp inside a hut, the blessing given by Gauron and Friella attracted a spirit whose darkness spell I countered with a Light spell. The spirit unaffected attacked, leaving eventually of its own accord [a clerical party will need to travel here]. Carfess will answer for the destruction he has caused here. I decided it prudent to leave. I have noticed Greywind (my steed) acting strange and difficult to control. Is he possessed by a malevolence left by Carfess oir a good spirit to aid us perhaps. I must speak to the clerics' about this. |
Moving west
we camped near a small copse of oak. We are attacked by Trallish.
Quickly I cast a Flash spell, blinding the Trallish. The party, having
the advantage faired well to begin with; Samara's aim was true striking
one Trallish twice with arrows but the Trallish were quick to recover
and quickly gained the upperhand. My Web spell caught one, another was
defeated by Samara, eventually we won, but only to be attacked by a
possessed tree!
The party was defenseless against it. My fireball had limited effect but succeeded in driving it off. Foolishly Gauron gave chase only to become its captive. Our attacks had little affect even Lightning Streak, but Turblin showed his mettle by use of a Giants Strength potion, he toppled the tree. We eventually vanquished our foe, only to find our horses covered in fine splinters, only a Resist Fear spell prevented us losing them. Chanting caught our attention, we discovered it was Gauron, he had been thrown a distance by the tree. Coming to his aid we were attacked by undead, which we managed to deflect. We were assailed again and again, but managed to survive, perhaps through outside intervention? Again we were assailed, this time by a huge fireball of writhing bodies, the ground trembled also, Undorin was making his presence felt, even Gauron's protection failed us. Undorin had sent us a message in the form of a grotesque, many eyed cone, naming us it marked us and cursed us, stating Undorin knew of our coming. I am concerned we may be over our heads, but willproceed, gradually whittling Undorin away, but I am cautious of the final meet; it will take all my resources to fight him. After tonight, however, I have greater faith in Father Gauron's abilities.
Moments passed as we recovered ourselves. Foolishly Father Gauron examined the pit left by the messenger, the sight or taint overcame him and he lost his nerve. Ordering him away, Friella examined and deemed him possessed; for safety I called the rest of the party away from the pit. As dawn came Friella tried to exorcise Gauron, his reaction were wild and fanatical, he clawed at his face, but was restrained by Turblin, still possessed of Giant's Strength. Unfortunately he fatally wounded Gauron in the attempt, forcing me, once again to heal both firella and Gauron. My trust in Gauron is now spent, so I bade Yolan bind him until I could ascertain his fate. Fidning the horses, we had to kill one to put it out of its misery, and returned to the camp, only to find it reifled through and more; we found three of the Galanir' strung up and mutilated, perhaps these had aided us before, we will never know. I ordered them buried after the Galanir' fashion. We moved camp. All of us were dismayed and spent a restless night. To add to our troubles, a group of Dogmen, Daratur decided to investigate our camp, but they proved little trouble and were only curious. |
next day, with out horses too weak to bear us we walked on for this and
the following day. Gauron was kept bound as a precaution. Once the
horses were fit t ride, we gained more distance and travelled unhindered
for four days eventually reaching the River Low.
Resting on its banks we were assailed by a strange, corporeal mist, that lusted for intelligence or intelligent creatures, attacking me first until Yolan came to my aid. It turned on him, it proved resistant to my spells and Gauron's. We had to flee, though Turblin remained to aid Yolan. Eventually all left except myself and Gauron, we were forced to use speed in order to out run the mist. Yolan's wounds required healing from me. Eventually we reached Feldmore and hapilly found Glamfidrin and Calisandra, Galanir' and ranger, at the Golden Light Inn. All is well, glamfidrin and Cal will boost our strength and provide much needed skill and knowledge. We have survived the journey; hopefully now the group will work better together. Feldmore, however, is assailed by jungle women, and it is rumoured that Dembref has returned. Our luck holds, as the first night in Feldmore we were attacked by a Wardmark, powerfulMancers of no colour or affiliation. This particular Wardmark has possessed a a jewel thief called Velbreck, who it transpires has been dead for many days. The Wardmark, Paranin, his name knows of our quest and warns us that should we cause Undorin to flee his lair, Paranin will hunt down and destroy the Grey. I voice my concerns to the White Order. |
We are
joined by a Tepeln. Our journey to his temple has taken longer than
expected but was a journey filled with wonder! A giant Beech, a stone
bridge of unknown design and age.
On leaving the temple we journey to the Low Stones. Our camp, half a day from the Stones is attacked by Galashkra. Only with Friella's aid did I survive the strike, but in my helpless state the group proved themselves and defeated the Galashkra. |
I have
Undorin's symbol.
We must be vigilant, I beleive we are being followed; Wandmark? Carfess perhaps or an agent of Undorins? |
Undorin is
defeated by my hand.
I return to the Grey. |