When Mancers teach, either other Mancers or Manc-latent others, Manc, it takes time and constant study.
1. Determine the Success Total by finding the Teacher's modifier and the Pupil's modifier.
This is done by finding their respective INT ratings and checking the table below:
<50 |
50-64 | >64 |
-1 per point |
0 | +1 per point |
[e.g. a Teaching Mancer with an INT of 45 has a modifier of -4, a Teaching Mancer with an INT of 64 gains no modifier, and a Teaching Mancer with an INT of 97 gains +32 modifier]
2. Sum the result of the Teacher's modifier to the Pupil's modifier. This is the Success Total. This is what is rolled for after each Study Period to determine if that period was successful and thus can reduce the Total Study Time required.
3. Find Study Time by checking table below based on the Level of the Teacher:
1-5 |
6 Pentawaeks - Teacher's Level in Penatawaeks |
6+ | 35 Days - Teacher's Level in Days (min = 5 Days) |
4. Multiply Study Time by Level of Manc to be taught.
5. Find Pupil's Time Modifier = Pupil's Level in Days.
6. Study Time minus Pupil's Time Modifier = Total Study Time.
7. Convert Total Study Time into Passages. Note: 1 Pentawaek = 560 Passages. Each Day = 16 Passages. This is then the Final Study Time.
7. The Final Study Time must be completed, but how is up to the Teacher and Pupil. The Teacher must be there at least half of the time, the remaining time the Pupil may study alone, if they have equipment or a tome to study with. Minimum study time = 2 Passages per Day.
8. After each time spent on study, the Pupil must roll the Success Total. Success reduces the Final Study Time for the amount studied. Failures do not reduce the Final Study Time and the period has been wasted. The Pupil should record the time spent in study and indicate when the teacher was present. Should a period of more than 7 Days pass between study periods then the study has faltered and automatically fails.
9. Once the Final Study Time has been reached and at least half was attended by the Teacher the Pupil has learned the Manc if they are already a Mancer. If they were not previously a Mancer, then they must now make an INT roll and and END roll. Success in both means they have awoken their Manc ability and are now considered Mancers. Failing either or both means they have yet to accomplish awakening their Mancery and must undertake the whole process again to do so. It may be necessary to try and learn a simpler Manc?
10. Should either Teacher or Pupil somehow alter their INT or Levels then the process must be recalculated and any study completed successfully is taken into consideration. The Pupil may continue studying. Any one Teacher must teach the Pupil for at least 10% of the Total Study Time in Passages. Should a different Teacher take up the process their INT and Level must be recalculated into the formulae. Any Teacher taking part, by the end, that does not constitute at least 10% causes the attempt to suffer a penalty of +20 to the Pupil's INT and END rolls.