The Shield Of Kardra is a normal metal shield, marked with a particular rune and imbued with Manc so that when struck by an enemy it gives off a electrical charge to that attacker.
When the shield is struck by an attacker, a discharge of lightning issues from the shield, striking the target. This is not effective against missile weapons however. The missile striking the shield is attacked by the lightning, normally destroying it after it has hit the shield, but the shooter, unless within 10 feet, is unharmed.
Anyone attacking the shield within 10 feet, is immediately attacked by the lightening discharge, the victim is usually covered in the lightening and convulses, falling into unconsciousness. When the lightening strikes it does only 1D10 points of damage, but the victim must make a Save Vs Paralyse and a Save Vs Hitting. Succeeding in both means the victim simply takes the damage and no other effects. Failing the Hitting save but not the Paralyse, means the victim is knocked unconscious for 100 Rounds - their END in Rounds. Failing the Paralyse but not the Hitting, means the victim is not knocked unconscious, but is covered in a web of lightening streaks that coil around the victim causing them to writhe in agony, usually falling to the floor. This shocking lasts for 1D4 Rounds, and while it continues the victim may not act, as their body is out of control. When the shocking has ended, the victim, although damaged, is fine to continue as they wish.
Any shield size or type may be used as long as its front is metal and it has the rune marked upon it. The shield may have an elaborate design, thereby disguising or enhancing the rune and may be marked by any means. However, after time, the surface of the shield will become damaged and worn and the rune may fade, when this occurs the Manc falters and leaves the shield. The shield, being normal, may be broken and if so the Manc is released in one great torrent towards the attacker, doing normal damage x the Level of the creator damage. The shield may also be strengthened by Manc means, such a Manc Metal, or made of Parensis, Branwar or any other metal substance.
Shield | 9 | P |
P |
See Text | Rune | 2 Days |
Other | 14 |
D.O.I |
D.O.I |
D.O.I | D.O.I | D.O.I |