
This long, full blue cloak, often with a contrasting blue liner, when worn, gives the wearer greater charisma and appearance. The wearer is seemingly altered subtly, making them more pleasing to the eye of the beholder. This may mean that creatures such as lizard folk may see the wearer as having lizardine qualities or Galaniŕ may perceive the Serevmen wearer as more delicate in looks and softer sounding in voice and temperament. It grants an Etiquette skill roll bonus of the Creator's level x 2 to the wearer.

This cloak does not transform the wearer, nor does it make them appear a different individual. The Manc affects all viewers of the wearer and gives that wearer qualities that the viewer would find pleasing, but superimposed over the wearer. The affect is different for each individual viewer.

The affect of this glamour is that the wearer gains a more favourable response to other creatures, regardless of their intellect, they just feel more inclined to the wearer. Like a light Charm Person, it makes creatures treat the wearer with a kinder or more positive aspect. Predatory animals will be less inclined to attack, opposite aligned creatures will feel more connection, and creatures of the wearers own race but of the opposite sex, will feel more attracted to the wearer.

Creatures thus within close proximity (the cloak's creator's level x 10 feet) must make a Save Vs Manc or become drawn towards the wearer, such that they are not able to directly harm them or even outwardly offend them. Attackers suffer an ABV penalty of the Creator's level x .5. They can of course defend themselves as usual, and are aware of the odd sensation towards the wearer, especially if they knew the wearer beforehand. Creatures beyond this range and up to line of sight are still affected, but to a lesser degree. They are inclined towards a favourable disposition towards the wearer and if targeting with a range weapon suffer a skill roll penalty of the cloak's creator's level x 2.5 (rounded off).

Creator's Level Close Proximity ABV Penalty Distant Proximity Skill Roll Penalty Etiquette Skill Roll Bonus
5 2 (5) +13 -10
6 3 +15 -12
7 3 (5) +18 -14
8 4 +20 -16
9 4 (5) +23 -18

When this cloak is dirty or half damaged the bonuses and penalties are all reduced by half (rounded off). Banish Manc removes the effect from the cloak, rendering the cloak merely an ordinary fine cloak. It does then, however, count as a Maiden for the purposes of re-imbuing the cloak with the Manc. Damaging more than half of the cloak destroys the Manc and a new cloak must be created unless a Restoration is cast upon it. Should the cloak become caked in mud or otherwise extremely soiled, the Manc effect is suspended until it is cleaned thoroughly.

The cloak's effect is only in use when worn properly, overhanging the shoulders.

Created by Harik of the Blue Wizard Order.

Cloak 7 P


See Text See Text 1 Waek 3 Days
Other 15


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