Ian (aka Mumbles)

MumblesIan has only DM'ed twice, and he did not enjoy it. Still, Ian is a science expert, and as such has a habit of informing the DM of their 'mistakes' in some of their descriptions of how certain things affect people or instances.

He is also famous for his mumblings, and for dropping his dice on the floor all the time. As a role player he is what I would call an excellent involver, but not as much a 'Role' player; in which I mean he takes part perfectly well in discussions and in depth character debate, but can rarely keep up the mannerisms, voice or thinking behind a character for long.

He is very well mannered, and quite intelligent, this does lend an air of worry over the less qualified of us DM's where scientific matters are concerned.

His favourite character, if I am not mistaken, is actually from another role playing group he used to belong to, and is a Shadowrun Dwarf. I do not remember the name.

Ian tends also to play the 'lets run away and think this over' sort of characters, and often are backseat leaders. Games where the party are getting mullered or in a tough situation gets him down and he gets a little flustered; in a calm situation with lots of precision and strategy however he seems in his element.




FAMOUS LINE: "How many with guns are there? Quick lets run and call the cops. It's their job anyway...mumble...mumble...mumble..!"