Let it be known...
That we, the Avengers, have banded together to protect and safeguard
the planet Earth, its inhabitants and resources, from any and all
threats, terrestrial or otherwise, which are or might prove to be
beyond the power of conventional forces to handle.
That we shall brook no interference in the growth of mankind in meeting its rightful destiny.
That we dedicate ourselves to the establishment, growth, and preservation of peace, liberty, and justice under law.
This is our solemn oath.
Article One: Organization
The Avengers is hereby chartered as a non-profit organisation under the
laws as set down by the State of New York, United States of America;
said organization being recognised and fully sanctioned as a
peace-keeping force by the National Security Council of the United
States of America, by the United Nations, and by the Supreme
Headquarters International Espionage Law Enforcement Division.
Article Two: Jurisdiction
In accordance with the tenets of national and international law, the
Avengers, acting individually, or as a group, are herein authorized to
function in all lands, territories, or protectorates of the United
States; in all countries allied with the United States by international
treaty; and in all countries belonging to or affiliated with the United
Article Three: Funding
As a non-profit organization, the Avengers shall be funded chiefly by
private grants. Major funding for the activities of the Avengers, for
its headquarters, transportation, and equipment, shall be provided by a
grant from the Maria Stark Foundation (Anthony Stark, Director) with
the understanding that the Foundation shall have no say in Avengers
operations, or in the deployment of funds within the Avengers
Article Four: Operations
The day-to-day operations of the Avengers shall be governed by a set of by-laws as put forth by the founding members.
In witness to this charter, we founding members have hereunto subscribed our names...
!!!!!stick pic of signatures here!!!!!
Section One: Policy & Operations
A. All Avengers shall, at all times, endeavour to adhere to the
principles of the Avengers Charter and follow the rules and regulations
of these by-laws.
1. The by-laws may be amended, when deemed necessary, by
the active members of the Avengers. Amendments may be proposed by any
active Avenger. Amendments shall become a binding part of these by-laws
upon approval by two-thirds of the active membership.
B. No Avenger shall be required to surrender knowledge of his or
her civilian identity or personal affairs to the membership at large or
the National Security Council.
C. Avengers shall be entitled to special priority government
security clearance, as administered and apporved by the National
Security Council.
D. The Avengers shall be led by a duly elected Chairman or
Chairwoman. It shall be the duty of this leader to coordinate all
Avenger activities, whether business or tactical in nature.
1. The position of Chairman/woman shall be open to any
active member who has passed his.her probationary period (See Section
Two - Memberships).
2. The Chairman/woman shall serve for a term of 6 months. There shall
be no limit to the number of successive terms a leader may serve.
3. It shall be the privilege of the Chairman/woman to determine the
format of meetings and to call special meetings as he/she sees fit.
4. In the event of the abscence, incapacity, or resignation of the
Chairman/woman, an interim leader shall be shocen by a two-thirds vote
of the active membership.
Section Two: Membership
A. Recognizing that the membership of the Avengers may be
subject to, and, indeed might profit from change , procedures for the
admission of members shall be set forth.
B. Candidates for membership must be legal adults, possessing at
least one skill, power, ability, or talent which is deemed valuable by
a majority of the active membership.
1. Membership shall not be denied on account of race, colour, creed, sex, or condition of birth or origin.
2. Camdidates for membership must be nominated by one active member in
good standing at a regular or special meeting. Election for membership
must be held within one week of nomination and be attended by a simple
majority of active members. A two-thirds vote is necessary for election
to membership.
3. Newly-elected Avengers shall serve a probationary period of not less than 30 days.
a. During the period of probation, the National
Security Councl shall make an investigation of the new Avenger's public
record in order to determine approval for full security clearance.
b. While on probation, the new Avenger shall have limited access to Avengers facilities and records.
c. At the end of probation, the new Avenger shall assume
full active status, unless objections are raised by aby active member
or by the National Security Council.
C. The Avengers shall select new members whenever the
Chairman/woman or two-thirds of the active membership determines that
the ranks are not at optimal strength, or when there is a vacancy in
the ranks.
1. It shall be the perogative of the Chairman/woman to limit the number of active members
D. Active Avengers shall be the designation given to those Avengers who are full time members.
1. Active Avengers shall be required to log all individual
cases into the main computer file, that the entire memebership may
benefit from the individual's experience.
2. Active Avengers shall be required to attend all regular business
meetings. Memebers who miss more than one meeting per month without
submitting an acceptable excuse may face suspension for a period to be
determined by a concensus of the other active members (see PAragraph G).
3. Active Avengers shall be issued an Avengers identification card and an emergency signal device.
a. Active members shall be required to answer all
emergency calls. If unable to respond, an active member must contact
the Chairman/woman at the earliest opportunity to explain his/her
b. Active members who miss an emergency call without good reason may be subject to disciplinary action.
4. Active Avengers shall be expected to cooperate with other law
enforcement agencies. Although granted certain legal immunities by the
Avengers priority clearance, no Avenger shall be considered above the
5. Active Avengers shall be paid a stipend of one thousand dollars
($1,000) per week. Memebers may choose to not to accept their stipends,
in which case the money shall be placed in their retirement fund.
a. Active members shall be entitled to free medical and life insurance benefits.
b. Active members shall be provided with private quarters
where they, if so choosing, may reside. Unlimited meal privilages shall
be provided for live-in members.
6. Active Avengers shall be granted unlimited access to the Avengers
Mansion headquarters, vehicles, computer record files, and any other
facilities of the organization.
7. Active Avengers may take a leave of abscence for any reason simply by notifying the Chairman/woman of said intent.
a. Active Avengers mat choose to accept status as either a reservist or an inactive Avenger.
8. Active Avengers shall, at all times, act in a manner befitting that of a guardian of the public trust.
E. Reserve Avengers shall be the designation given
to those Avengers who are part-time members, on call for special
missions or emergency assignments only.
1. Reserve membership shall be limited to those members who
have fulfilled an active term of duty of not less than one year, and
who wish to reduce their connections with the group.
2. Reserve Avengers shall not be required to log their individual cases, though they shall be encouraged to do so.
3. Reserve Avengers may attend any regular meeting, but shall be required to attend no more than one per year.
4. Reserve Avengers shall retain their Avengers identification card and emergency signal device.
a. Reserve members may be demoted to inactive status if they fail to answer three consecutive emergency calls.
5. Reserve Avengers shal be paid a stipend of one hundred dollars ($100) per month.
6. Reserve Avengers shall have limited access to Avengers Mansion, files, equipment etc.
7. Reserve Avengers may return to active status at the discretion of
the Chairman/woman, if they so petition and are accepted by majority
vote of the active members.
8. reserve Avengers shall be given priority over new candidates in the filling of vacancies in the active membership.
9. Reserve Avengers may retire to inactive status by notifying the
Chairman/woman and surrendering the Avengers identification card and
emergency signal device.
10. Reserve Avengers shall not have a vote in Avengers proceedings.
11. Reserve Avengers shall have the authority to call emergency meetings.
F. Inactive Avengers shall be the designation given to those members who have retired or resigned from active and reserve duty.
1. Any Avenger may resign by simply notifying the
Chairman/woman of his/her intent and surrendering his/her Avengers
identification card, emergency signal device, and any other
Avengers-owned equipment.
2. Any active or reserve Avenger who is incapacitated or who moves from
the organization's normal jurisdiction shall be granted an honourable
discharge and placed on the inactive roster.
3. Inactive Avengers may be granted limited access to Avengers
equipment and facilities only at the discretion of the active members.
4. Inactive status shall be considered the same as an indefinite leave of abscence.
5. Inactive Avengers may be reinstated only if there is a vacancy in
the active ranks, and then only if elected by a two-thirds vote of the
active membership.
G. Motions for disciplinary action against any active or reserve Avenger may be brought by any other active Avenger.
1.In the evnt of such an accusation, the Chairman/woman
shall convene a board of inquiry, comprising a simple majority of
the active membership (minus the accused, if he/she is an active
2. Disciplinary action shall be limited to suspension, with the option
of further trying the accused before a tribunal of all active members.
a. Tribunal proceedings shall be conducted in the manner of a military court-martial.
b. Maximum punishment to be brought n the accused by shuch tribunal shall be expulsion from the Avengers.
c. A two-thirds vote shall be necessary to expel a member from the Avengers.
3. Active and reserve members can be expelled, with no possibility of re-instatement, on the following grounds:-
a. Conviction for any crime above a misdemeanor.
b. Deliberate betrayal of Avengers classified information.
c. Criminal acts of negligence not convicted for, but witnessed by at least one active member.
Section Three: Meetings
A. The Avengers shall meet regularly, at least once a week,
at a time and place to be agreed upon by a simple majority of the
active membership.
B. Emergency meetings may be called at any time, but emergency
meetings shall not be considered a replacement for a regular meeting.
C. In the event that an Avengers mission is in progress at the
time of a regularly-scheduled meeting, the meeting will be rescheduled.
D. A simple majority of the active membership shall be required to make a meeting official.
Section Four: Punishment of Criminals
A. Avengers shall leave the punishment of perpetrators of criminal activity to the appropriate agencies of the law.
B. The Avengers shall not abridge an accused's right to a fair and speedy trial.
C. The Avengers shall abide by the decisions of the law, and will not take upon themselves any aspect of the punishment process.
D. In the event that conventional imprisonment proves inadequate
for a given criminal, the Avengers shall be allowed to hold said
crinminal in a manner they see fit, provided that a full report of said
methods of imprisonment is given to the proper law enforcement
Section Five: Affiliations
The Avengers shall maintain open and reciprical relations,
including joint limited access to computer data, with the Fantastic
Four, Inc, Supreme Headquarters International Espionage Law Enforcement
Division (S.H.I.E.L.D.).
Section Six: Security
The National Security Council shall serve as liasion between
the Avengers and the government of the United States. The NSC shall
have the power to revoke the Avengers secuirty clearance, individually
or collectively. The NSC shall supervise the installation of all
security devices and data centers and shall hold periodic inspections
of said facilities.
Section Seven: Discorporation
The Avengers organization may be disbanded only by order of the
National Secuirty Council for a breach of national security, or by
unanimous vote of the entire membership of the active Avengers. In the
event of disbanding, all Avengers properties and facilities shall
revert to the Maria Stark Foundation and/or Stark International, with
the exception of any security devices, analysis systems, or data that
has any bearing on national secuirty. Said materials and data shall be
immediately turned over to the government of the United States.