P-DNA (Poké-deoxyribonucleic acid) is an intelligent energy, it forms cohesive beings on normal exposure to Earth's atmosphere. This energy however, when hit with specific wavelengths of Poké-energy causes the form to become unstable and it can then be retracted into specially constructed containers.

These containers must be filled with the Poké-energy perfectly, otherwise, any vacuum or space within the container causes the Pokémon form to reform. This either destroys the container or the Pokémon is forced out of the container.

Poke'ballSpheres are the ideal shape to contain the Poké-energy force, and so the Pokéball was invented. These balls are initially ping-pong ball sized, but the activation button causes the Poké-energy to enlarge the Pokéball to the size of a baseball, and are then activated by pressure to the outside, or a physical shock, causing the Pokéball to send out a beam of Pokéwaves, which upon striking the Pokémon destabilises its makeup and drags the Poké-energy back into the ball.

Although electronic in nature, Pokéballs gain most of their power from the small electro-magnetic fields that all living bodies have, as well as a limited thermal exchange. Hence they never seem to stop working, but could not be configured as a power source.

The construction of a Pokéball is a toughened plastic exterior, surrounding a steel and specially made alloy inner chamber. On the outside is the Pokéwave emitter. Pokéwaves are only short waves and therefore the ball must be activated within designated ranges dependent upon the strength of the individual Pokéball. Often Pokéballs are used either at close range to the Pokémon or by throwing the ball at the Pokémon thereby the striking of the ball causes the Pokéball to activate.

An unused Pokéball is neutral, but after its first use to hold a Pokémon , a signature is locked into that Pokéball's Pokéwaves to that user and Pokémon. Should this Pokéball then be used to capture another Pokémon, it may succeed, but will not be able to support the new Pokémon for long, if the usual resident is within range of the Pokéball. Also, the resident Pokémon usually will begin to suffer fatigue, and maybe even worse effects, if not allowed back into the same Pokéball. This is why sometimes, people finding lost Pokéballs instantly release the Pokémon inside upon contact with the Pokéball, as their body's electro-magnetic field triggers the Pokéball into action, releasing the trapped Pokémon .

The Pokéball allows wild Pokémon to be captured (it will not capture a currently owned Pokémon for very long - see above). Normal Throw Object rulles apply to throwing a Pokéball. Successful activation when striking a target wild Pokémon causes the Pokémon to become tranformed into energy which is then sucked into the Pokéball. Once within the Pokéball, the Pokémon has three chances to escape, with each attempt progressively harder. If the Pokémon succeeds in its attempt to escape the Pokéball has a 90% chance of being destroyed by the escape, and is rendered useless, unless taken to a Pokéball factory or similar facility where it can be repaired and reset. Poké Marts or Poké Centers do not have this technology or equipment. If the Pokéball is not destroyed it remains available for use again. If the wild Pokémon fails in its three attempts to escape, then it is held by the Pokéball.

Wild Pokémon held by a Pokéball are instantly registered to the catcher's Pokédex, and the Pokéball itself makes a log of the caught Pokémon causing the Pokémon and the Pokéball to become linked with an energy signature, unique to both. From this point the Pokémon is not longer 'wild'. The Pokémon also instantly gains 10 points that may be distributed over its main Attributes (STA, STR, DEX, MIND, or CHA) as wished by the player. The 10 points may be applied to a single attribute, or to as many as possible, but no Attribute may be greater than the indicated maximum for that species of Pokémon. Life Points should be recalculated if any of the physical attributes were modified.

The Pokéball's rating determines their power, range and holding strengths.

Great Ball
Ultra Ball
Master Ball
Safari Ball
Level Ball
Lure Ball
Moon Ball
Friend Ball
Great Ball
Ultra Ball
Master Ball
Safari Ball
Level Ball
Lure Ball
Moon Ball
Friend Ball


Love Ball
Heavy Ball
Fast Ball
Premier Ball
Repeat Ball
Timer Ball
Nest Ball
Net Ball
Dive Ball
Love Ball Heavy Ball Fast Ball Premier Ball Repeat Ball Timer Ball Nest Ball Net Ball Dive Ball


Luxury Ball
Heal Ball
Quick Ball
Dusk Ball
Cherish Ball
Sport Ball
Park Ball
Dream Ball
Beast Ball
Luxury Ball Heal Ball Quick Ball Dusk Ball Cherish Ball Sport Ball Park Ball
Dream Ball
Beast Ball

Safari ball
     Specialized Pokémon, only wild Pokémon, used in the Safari Zone Amusements.
Ultra ball
     Some Stage 2 Evolutions, Very strong/big Pokémon.
Master ball
     Extremely dangerous Pokémon such as Mewtwo, Moltres, Zapdos, Articuno, Tentacruel, Alakazam, or very highest level Pokémon.


Role Playing