Catching Pokémon

Chance to catch a Pokémon affected by:-
  1. Throw Object roll of the catcher.
  2. Pokémon's size and movement (affects Throw skill)
  3. Health of the Pokémon.
  4. Status of the Pokémon.
  5. Catch Rate of the Pokéball being used.
i: Character makes a Throw Object skill roll (either unskilled, skilled, or Speciality Skill: Pokéball)

ii: Throw result modified by target size and movement (speed, dodging, flying, swimming, hiding etc.)

If successful, Pokémon has a chance to escape. This attempt may be made up to three times, and each attempt is half the chance of the previous attempt. Should the attempt result in a natural 99-100 roll, then the
Pokémon is automatically caught and no further attempts are made even if available. Minimum chance to escape is always 1% (unless the Pokéball specifies otherwise) and a result of a natural 1 roll means the Pokémon automatically escapes, and no further attempts are required, even if available.

iii: Base chance to escape is 100 minus the Difference modifier.

Difference Modifier
Difference of maximum Life Points and the current Life Points modifier round down):-
[Take max Life Points # and divide by current Life Points #. Then divide 100 by this number. (I.e. 145÷50 = 2.9 then 100÷2.9 = 34.5. OR 210÷120 = 1.75 then 100÷1.75 =57)]
iv: This is further modified by Status of the Pokémon:
v: Then Catch Rate of the Pokéball being used modifies this again:-
All the pokeballs above are dependent on many conditions see for details