Catching Pokémon
Chance to catch a Pokémon affected by:-
- Throw Object roll of the catcher.
- Pokémon's size and movement
(affects Throw skill)
- Health of the Pokémon.
- Status of the Pokémon.
- Catch Rate of the Pokéball being
i: Character makes a Throw
Object skill roll (either unskilled, skilled, or Speciality Skill: Pokéball)
ii: Throw result modified by target size and movement (speed, dodging,
flying, swimming, hiding etc.)
If successful, Pokémon has a
chance to escape. This attempt may be made up to three times, and each
attempt is half the chance of the previous attempt. Should the attempt
result in a natural 99-100 roll, then the Pokémon
is automatically caught and no further attempts are made even if
available. Minimum chance to escape is always 1% (unless the Pokéball specifies otherwise) and a result of
a natural 1 roll means the Pokémon automatically
escapes, and no further attempts are required, even if available.
iii: Base chance to escape is 100 minus the Difference modifier.
Difference Modifier
Difference of maximum Life Points and the current Life Points
modifier round down):-
[Take max Life Points # and divide by current Life Points #. Then
divide 100 by this number. (I.e. 145÷50 = 2.9 then 100÷2.9 = 34.5. OR
210÷120 = 1.75 then 100÷1.75 =57)]
- <10 = 90 (thus 100 - 90 = 10% for 1st escape chance, 5% for
2nd, and 2% for 3rd)
- 11-25 = 75 (thus 100 - 75 = 25% for 1st escape chance, 12% for
2nd, and 6% for 3rd)
- 26-50 = 50 (thus 100 - 50 = 50% for 1st escape chance, 25% for
2nd, and 12% for 3rd)
- 51-75 = 25 (thus 100 - 25 = 75% for 1st escape chance, 37% for
2nd, and 18% for 3rd)
- 76-90 = 15 (thus 100 - 15 = 85% for 1st escape chance, 42% for
2nd, and 21% for 3rd)
- >90 = 5 (thus 100 - 5 = 95% for 1st escape chance, 47% for
2nd, and 23% for 3rd)
iv: This is further modified by Status of the Pokémon:
- Frozen or Asleep = -50% of chance
- Paralyzed = -25% of chance
- Burned or Poisoned = -10% of chance
v: Then Catch Rate of the Pokéball being
used modifies this again:-
- Pokéball = No change
- Great Ball = -25%
- Ultra Ball = -50%
- Master Ball = -100%
- Safari Ball = -25%
- Level Ball = no change, -25%, -50%, or -75%
- Lure Ball = no change, -33%, or -66%
- Moon Ball = no change or -50%
- Friend Ball = no change
- Love Ball = no change or -75%
- Heavy Ball = dependent on weight of poke'mon +40, +20, +0,
-10, -20, -30, or -40
- Fast Ball = no change or -50% if used on Magnemite, Grimer,
Tangela, or has DEX of at least 90
- Premier Ball = no change
- Repeat Ball = no change if new, or -50% if caught before
- Timer Ball = -5 per Round in battle before throwing Timer Ball
- Nest Ball = no change, or -50%
- Net Ball = no change, -33%, or -50%
- Dive Ball = no change, or -50% if
- Luxury Ball = no change
- Heal Ball = no change
- Quick Ball = no change, -50% if used in 1st Round of battle
- Dusk Ball = no change, -33% if in cave or at night.
- Cherish Ball = no change
- Sport Ball = -25%
- Park Ball = -100%
- Dream Ball = -100%
- Beast Ball = +10, or -75% if used on an Ultra Beast
All the pokeballs above are dependent on many conditions see
for details