- Security knowledge allows the character to design and organise a security
system, assign security details, knowledge of where best to place security
devices, how to make safe a complex, from a box to a whole powerplant. Can
also be linked with Detect Hidden Object, Scouting, Espionage, Life Support
Systems, Pick Secure Lock, Pick Lock, Escapology, Communication Systems,
Environmental Suit Operation, Search and Bureaucracy.
Specialities may be chosen once skill Rating has reached 65%, then dividing
between the skills as the character see fit (minimum Rating for normal skill = 5). The only restriction is that only one
Speciality may be taken when the Rating reaches 65% in either the normal skill
or the Speciality, then the normal skill only must be divided. -
Specialities include:-
- Spaceships
- Airports
- Shopping Centers
- Close
Circuit Television
- Military Establishments
- Banks
- Body guarding
- Security Personnel
- Safe Cracker
- Soldier