Knowledge and understanding of the interactions and properties of matter
and energy. Tech-level modifies this skill tremendously.
Linked with Planetary systems, Demolition, Astronomy, Chemistry, Geology,
Research, Surveying, Pilot Spacecraft, Civil engineering, communication
systems, Jet packs, Mathematics (high), Life support systems, Astrogation,
Xenobiology, Pharmacy, Temporal mechanics.
- Physicist
- Astrogator
- Astronomer
- Chemist
- Civil
- Computer engineer
- Crystologist
- Demolisher
- Ecologist
- some
- Environmental repair
- Forger
- Forensics
- Life support repair
- Life
support Spacecraft
- Locksmith
- Pharmacist
- Pilot remote
- Pilot Robot Vehicle
- Planetary systems
- Refrigeration systems
- Roboticist
- Robot programmer
- Smith
- some Weapon makers
Suggested: Just about any technician or engineer and most scientists.