Knowledge of occult and supernatural phenomenon. Rating determines approximate knowledge potential and is only rolled when practicing some occult ritual. When using occult, MYSTIC or SPIRIT may be used to influence the result, but success or failure is doubled in effect.

(NOTE: In some cases the paranormal does not exist, in these cases it is considered coincidence, luck or natural phenomenon which apparently explains the result).

As occult skill increases each 10%, roll MYSTIC ÷ 10 (round down) or SPIRIT ÷ 10 (round down) + occult current skill ÷ 10 (round down):-

If successful 'True Occult Knowledge' has been gained, this then becomes a separate skill, with its own specialities. Gains 20% of current occult skill, no division necessary.
If critical success, then some appropriate power is available to the character (i.e. some ESP power or some arcane knowledge or even the location of a famous grimoire).
If failure, then SANITY is lowered -1 permanently.
If a critical failure results, then SANITY, and whichever Attribute was used (I.e. MYSTIC or SPIRIT) is reduced -2 permanently.
1-5 School yard occult knowledge.
6-10 Student occult knowledge.
11-35 Dabbler knowledge.
36-58 Paganist knowledge.
59-75 Practicing occultist, maybe a witch?
76-86 Professor of occult, Ipsissimus.
87-95 Occult master, communicates with spirits. (Only available to those with True Occult Knowledge skill using SPIRIT).
96+ Sorcerer ability. (Only available to those with True Occult Knowledge skill using MYSTIC).

Once a speciality is gained, original occult freezes until the speciality equals at least one-half of the occult rating, when they may then both increase as separate skills. When either one gains another speciality, then that skill only halts until the new speciality reaches at least half of that skill. This continues as long as specialities are gained.



Specialities include:

Meditation can boost Magic Point recovery (if magic is available to the character), with a successful roll of this speciality skill. See the Magic section for more details.