The knowledge of how electronics work and how to build, maintain, repair and at higher levels even design electrical devices and/or systems. Many other skills need to be linked with this skill to achieve satisfactory results. This skill also includes some physics knowledge related to electricity and conductors as well as other electrical associated information.

This skill has few requirements other than the resources to build, repair electrical devices and test them once they are constructed. A failed roll in building results in some flaw in the system causing it to not work. Failure in maintenance results in an unnoticed problem, this could later cause the failure of the system or a discharge of electricity or even an electrical fire if not discovered eventually. Old or poorly constructed systems are most at risk. Failure in a repair results in time wasted and a possible shock to the repairer. Critical failures result in either an immediate shock or an electrical fire breaking out. Success in any of the above procedures results in normal routine results. Critical success results in the time to complete the task being shortened and/or a saving of components and resources or expense.

Electronics differs greatly dependent upon the Tech-level. In Low-Tech levels, electricity will either not be possible, due to a lack of knowledge of it or rare and innovative as basic components are available, this is also a time of greater accidents and mishaps, as well as less efficient systems. Mid-Tech levels are the optimum periods for electricity although many of the testing equipment is still basic. High-Tech levels give more proficient knowledge of electricity and its workings as well as testing equipment being superior, however, electrical systems will begin to fade out of common use as different energy systems replace electricity.

Time to find a fault on a system as big as a house takes 24 hours minus Rating ÷ 10 (round up) in hours during Mid-Tech levels, longer for Low-Tech and shorter for High-Tech. On a piece of equipment e.g. a television, it is 240 minutes - (Rating x 2 minutes).

Linked to Repulsor lift operation, Demolition, Security, Espionage, Law, Physics, Civil engineering, Environmental suit operation, Interrogation, Communication systems, Pick secure lock, Mathematics (high), Mechanics, Life support systems, Computer repair.

Specializations may be taken once the Rating reaches 45%. By dividing Rating as wished a Speciality may be picked which the character has had either much familiarity with or further training in.

Specialities include:-

Specific Specialities include:-

