Knowledge of and experience of working with communication systems. This skill allows competant and effective use of communication systems where set up. It also can be used to install, organise, and plan a communication system when not already in place. It gives only fundamental knowledge to maintain, install, or repair a system.

This skill is highly affected by Tech-Level. In Very Low and Low-Tech levels communications systems could be horns, drums, smoke signals, semiphore, or bonfires. Medium-Tech could mean simple wire signal devices, morse code, telephony, televisual, or early web communications with some inter-planetary systems. High-Tech or greater have complicated, very long distance communications (inter-spatial and/or virtual), and need the greatest of all training in their operation.

It can be used to achieve normal communication in the restrictions of the system and law governing such communication, as well as knowledge of how to break through interference, knowledge of jamming devices (in Medium to High-Tech levels), the ability to reconfigure a system to relay communications to other recievers, or repair base transmitters and recievers and devices.


Specific Specialities:-
