Sleeper Hold:
This is an ambush attack, or it can be initiated once a hold
upon the head has been achieved. The attack consists of one arm being
passed around the front of the neck and the other pulls the arm tight
while the body of the attacker pushes the victim's head forward, thus
blocking off air and causing the victim to black out. The attack first
needs a stealthy approach from behind the victim and then the attack
occurs with a +10 penalty to hit roll. Once grabbed successfully the
victim has two options now, try and break the Sleeper Hold or hit the
To try and break the Sleeper Hold hold takes an opposed STR vs STR
roll with the victim suffering a penalty to the roll equal to the
attacker's Unarmd Combat Advanced Rating ÷ 10.
If the victim wins they have pulled the arm away from the neck but
must succeed in another STR Vs STR roll to push the arms away from
their neck. If the attacker wins they have a good grip and cause
suffocation to the victim. The victim must Save Vs Hitting or take 4D10
(STA ÷ 10) P.O.D. to MIND every round the hold continues. When the MIND
reaches 20 or less the victim must make a Save Vs Poison or fall
unconscious for 2D100 rounds (12 seconds - 20 minutes) - (STA ÷ 10
rounds (Minimum = 2 rounds)). Once unconscious the victim regains MIND
points per round, equal to the number of rounds fallen unconscious
divided by the victim's current MIND. They can only awaken with a
successful Save Vs Paralysis once their MIND has regained 20 points,
and remaining MIND points recover at double rate, or once they have
regained all their MIND.
[E.g. a victim with MIND 60 is held in a Sleeper Hold. The vicitm
takes three rounds of MIND DMG (12, 25, and 15) meaning their current
MIND = 8 and makes a Save VS Poisons and fails, thus they fall
unconscious for 2D100 rounds which is rolled by the DM and results in
84 rounds. So their loss of MIND points (52) is then divided into the
84 rounds (84 ÷ 52 = 1.6, rounded off to 2). So each round the victim
regains 2 points of MIND. As soon as they recover 20 points of MIND
they may try to make Save Vs Paralysis rolls and success awakens them
early, but still stunned with the reduced MIND, still recovering but at
double the rate determiend. If they wait until their MIND is fully
recovered, they must still succeed in a Save Vs Paralysis to awaken if
they still have Unconscious rounds remaining.]
If during the Sleeper Hold the MIND
reaches negative 20 the character dies.
Alternatively the victim can hit the attacker, assuming at least one hand or leg is free. They may use any attack they wish (pertinent to the available limbs free to make the attack) but must first make a Save Vs Paralysis to overcome their fear at the loss of air. Failure means they try and break free and follow the directions above, but they may attempt to hit again (with a Save Vs Paralysis) each round they have over half their MIND remaining. Success allows them make a hit, but they suffer a -15 penalty to the first round attack. The second round the penalty is doubled and so on each consecutive round, until half their MIND has been damaged where they can then only try and break free.
If the victim manages to successfully hit the attacker then the attacker must let go if they fail a STA + (Unarmed Combat Advanced ÷ 10) roll with a penalty pertinent to the type of attack and the damage taken from the hit.