This attack uses the attacker's STR vs the opponenet's DEX
to push the opponent away from the attacker, usually into something or
over something. The attack suffers a +10 penalty and success allows the
attacker to make an opposing roll of STR Vs DEX. Should the winner get
the greatest difference of roll to STR then the opponent is grabbed and
push in a direction chosen by the attacker, within a 180 degree arc of
the facing of the attack at the start of the attack. The opponent is
pushed a number of feet equal to the attacker's STR ÷ 3 (round off).
Any objects connected count as being charged by the opponent. If this
attack is used after a Hold attack then the opponent
suffers a penalty of -20 to their DEX. Should the opponent win the
combat, then they manage to avoid being pushed and slip free of the