A surprise attack where the attacker spits at the victim in an attempt to either blind, distract, or simpy humiliate the victim. This attack always hits unless blinding is the desired result in which case it suffers a +25 penalty.

The spit itself does no damage, but the victim must make a Save Vs Paralysis or flinch as they are gobbed at. Failing this causes the victim to lose Initiative for that round, and suffer a -5 to their combat skill Rating for that round also. If the hit is a critical success or the attacker specifies blinding as their intention, then the gob hits the victim in the face, specifically one or both eyes, causing them to make an immediate Save Vs Paralysis or fight blindly for 1D6 rounds or until they wipe the spittle away. Wiping the spittle away takes no time but causes a +60 penalty to any attack made during that round.

Critical hits after a declared blinding Gob causes the victim to make a Save Vs Poison roll or suffer stinging blindness for 1D10 rounds with their eye or eyes (1-5 = one eye, 6-10 = both eyes) taking 1D6 DMG to their Sight Sense for 1D30 hours (Min = 1hour).