A caliph who possesses a dune yacht has no need for a desert
stronghold, as this vessel serves as a formidable mobile base of operations.
Rigged with sails emblazoned with flames and bright sun motifs, this galley
sails over sand instead of water. If removed from sand it is unable to move
under its own power, just as if a sea-going vessel ran aground.
Dune yachts are stronger than average waterborne galleys. The yacht itself has fire resistance 5 and it grants this protection to all those aboard. Furthermore, every passenger need consume only half the normal water while on board.
Finally, an efreeti is bound to the helm of every dune yacht. Once per week, the efreeti can be called forth to serve the captain of the yacht. The efreeti understand and follows the captain's orders for 1 hour before departing. If the efreeti is ever forced to grant a Wish, the dune yacht burns to the keel and the efreeti is freed from its bondage after it grants the Wish. Note that because of the efreeti's hatred of servitude, it always attempts to twist and corrupt the intent of the Wish.
Prerequisite: Craft Wondrous Item, Limited Wish, Move Earth, Planar Binding, Resist Elements
Aura: Strong Transmutation and Conjuration
Caster Level: 17th
Market Price: 150, 000gp
Cost to Create:
Base Cost: 75, 000gp
XP Cost: 37, 500
AC (? Size): ??
Oversand: ??
Hit Points: 120
Hardness: 8 per 10-foot section of hull
Weight: ??
Based on an entry in Dragon Magazine #331 May 2005 by Frank Brunner