This floating raft is nothing more than a rolling bed of grubs, caterpillers, and worms each the size of a grown man's arm that magically maintain the shape of a 10-foot by 10-foot flatbed raft that can support up to 500 pounds. This disgusting vehicle travels at roughly 3 feet above the ground at all times and remains level. The raft is directed by spoken command.
Like a Carpet Of Flying, as long as the speaker is within voice range the raft obeys, whether the speaker is standing on the raft or not. In addition to directional movement, the raft can be commanded to disperse into swarm form once per day. In swarm form, it can not carry anything and ceases to act as a vehicle, but it gains all the properties of a centipede swarm. The raft can remain in this form for up to 1 hour before returning to raft form. In either form, if the vermin are killed, the raft is destroyed. The raft heals damage at the rate of 4 hit points per day until it reaches its maximum.
Prerequisite: Craft Wondrous Item,
Insect Plague
Aura: Strong Transmutation and Conjuration
Caster Level: 9th
Market Price: 20, 000gp
Cost to Create:
Base Cost: 10, 000gp
XP Cost: 5, 000
AC (? Size): ??
Overland: 30 feet
Hit Points: 31 (raft form)
Hardness: 10 (raft form)
Weight: ??
Based on an entry in Dragon Magazine #331 May 2005 by Frank Brunner